As per the pediatrician's recommendation, I took Christopher to get his blood work done and made an appointment with the allergist.
Christopher was a champ, even though the first nurse missed on the first try, and tried to dig around to find the vein. The second, more experienced nurse, did much better. It probably helped that I covered Christopher's eyes so he didn't flinch the second time around. They gave him eight stickers when he was done!
Today, the pediatrician left a message on the answering machine with the results of the test. The test showed that he may have sensitivity to whole eggs and cow's milk. He has eaten eggs and had milk since he was old enough, but he does prefer soy milk. (Which we get for Samantha, who is lactose intolerant.) The part of the message that I found upsetting was that he wants us to get him an epi-pen. When I think of epi-pens, I think of people who are so allergic to things like bees and nuts that without a quick dose of epinephrine, they would die! I talked to Jeremy about it, and his thought is that maybe they are a lot cheaper now than they used to be, and perhaps they prescribe them for people at the drop of a hat. Does anyone have any experience with these?
On a nicer note, I had a fun, though busy weekend. After a Friday and Saturday morning of industrious cleaning, my friend Cindy came over, and we did some crafty shopping in Catonsville, then made dinner and watched "Whip It" and "Julie & Julia," both of which I enjoyed. (I now have a roller-derby fantasy. Seems like a great idea for working out aggression!)
On Sunday I went to the
Homespun Yarn Party at Savage Mill. I passed on the Cormo roving at $7 an ounce in favor of 4 oz. of Shetland roving for $8.
My spinning wheel should be coming soon! Actually, I decided on getting the older, shop wheel because I like it a little better than the new fly wheel design, purely for aesthetic reasons. But I am waiting until the new one comes in before I pick up the old one, so that the owner of the store can use it to finish spinning yarn for a sweater she is making. It's complicated.
That night, Jeremy's family came over for dinner so we could celebrate his mom's birthday. I make a cheesecake (that morning) and Jeremy grilled steak, potatoes, broccoli, and asparagus.
Monday, my Mom came over since she is on spring break, and we took the kids to Columbia Mall and Kohl's to do some shopping, then we all went out to Houlihan's for dinner, since they sent me a free entree coupon.
My spring break is next week. I am so ready for it!