meta, of the community sort

Jan 04, 2011 12:22

So. I've been having a hard time understanding Britta this season. I don't quite get what they are doing with her.

Now, I've had a problem with her since the season finale. I hate what happened. I hate that she got sucked into that stupid competition with Slater. I still don't understand why they went there. She has no designs on Jeff. They just slept together.  He wanted to talk to her about it, but she blew him off.
So what if he got back with Slater? Why was she such a threat to her? And vice versa. If Britta wanted to date Jeff, then she would. I don't believe that as strongly as I did, but if she ever throws him a bone and asks him out, I think Jeff would go. I also think he would try to be her boyfriend too. Again, all of this was before the finale.

Now, I see even less between them. I wish they could bring back the late season one Britta. I just miss her. And I miss the friendships they all had. I hope that with the Xmas ep, they are starting to remember that these people LIKE each other, and will go back to that soon.
But with her, she needs to be toned down. Like, a LOT. She is being randomly bitchy for absolutely no reason. I can understand if she was acting like that with Jeff, that's their dynamic. But to blow off Troy and Abed? That is just being unnecessarily  mean. And that, I can not get behind.

So, since I want to enjoy all aspects of my show again, I haven't been able to stop wondering about all of this. A few days ago I came up with something, that for me,  is how I can deal with this new Britta.
I'm probably way off or naively dead on. It could end up being very, duh, fool, that is the whole point. But I figured I'd write it out anyway.

The first thing that has bothered me this season has been her attitude  towards Annie.
Britta's jealous and envious of Annie. I don't think it's about Jeff (God, I hope not). Instead of being with her or Slater (age appropriate women), he chose to 'run off' and kiss Annie. A YOUNGER woman. That had to sting some.
If we believe that she is 30 now, I can understand why maybe she is starting to feel...stagnant in her life? Like, here she is 30, in a community college. She finally (?) has close friends, but who inside the group is her Troy/Abed? We were lead to believe that she and Annie hung out, but I don't buy that. (anymore)
Shirley would seem the logical choice, they bonded last year and she's closest in age. Yet, I don't think any of them really hang out outside of the group. Not on their own.

She sees the three youngest members (assuming Abed is their age), just starting out. They have their whole lives in front of them. They're just discovering how to be mature. They have mistakes to make, life to live. And she may be looking back through them and feeling like she didn't  appreciate that time. That she can't go back to her early 20's. 
I see her as being very jaded (right now, bitter is the word I would use) and their not. Annie's not. And Annie has not had the easiest go of it. Rehab, being an ugly duckling, weight issues. Yet, she came out on the other side. She's still cheerful and happy.
I think Britta wishes she could be like that. She envies that Annie can be the girly girl and she can't. That it's tougher for women like Britta since most men aren't strong enough to deal with her. Annie, on the other hand, should be batting guys off left and right. She's young and pretty.

I haven't hit my 30's yet (next year. Oh, man lol) but I think that is when women have a slight mid life crisis. And if you factor in the other young hot girl in the group..I can almost see why she would be snappish with her.
First Vaughn got along with Annie better and then Jeff, the obnoxious dude who hit on her for most of the first semester, would rather be with Annie, than her.
We know that Britta doesn't get along with women, I suspect because she sees them as competition. She looks down on women who are more feminine than her. What I don't get it, is why she never calls out Shirley? Shirley is  basically like Annie. Yet, you never see Britta out right mock Shirley. Not over that stuff. Why just  Annie?
Granted most of this was brought to my attention this season. In the space bus ep, she is wicked harsh to Annie over the flag. Yet, when Jeff confesses, she says nothing. Why jump all over Annie?

It must all stem back to the beginning of the season. She learns that Jeff went off and kissed Annie, and despite the fact that she doesn't love him, that still had to hurt. 
In the oil fight ep, she only goes after Annie after Duncan called Annie, 'boobs'. After that, she is glaring and mocking Annie left and right. Not every woman is the same. I wish she could have been like an older sister to Annie. Parlay her 'wisdom' to the younger woman. You know that Annie would/does (?) look up to her.

I also came around to be able to see that scene in the blanket fort ep, in a different light. After Jeff brags about Annie, we see Britta with an angry (?) look on her face. I think she was jealous. It was one more thing Annie was better at than her. (at being covert). And it was something else that Jeff and Annie have. Britta and Jeff are never nice to each other. I see them as being equals, they know the score, so he doesn't have to be...softer with her than he is with Annie. But, you'd think every once in a while we get more scenes like the one in  Interpretive Dance. When he brings her flowers. 
Her look in the blanket fort ep pissed me off at the time (as a J/A shipper, I don't know why they get to have moments to themselves, yet whenever we see J/A, we have to get Britta's opinion.)
but now I get it. She was envious.

I kinda want to hug Britta and reassure that she is still awesome and everything. Her and Annie could be friends. Britta could 'toughen' Annie up and Annie could loosen Britta up about her looks. There is nothing wrong with being feminine . And there is nothing wrong with tough HBIC's. They should be able to co exist around each other. And it ticks me off that they don't. I don't want to sit through Britta hating on Annie cause Jeff may like Annie. That's so lame. I want Britta to stand on her own, without Jeff. (hell, Annie too. And Jeff without them).

Anyway. I think I may have come to an understanding of where Britta is. But that doesn't mean that I still won't be pissed off when they make her bitchy for no reason. I started out liking her, I don't want to end up hating her. And if they keep going down the road they are on, I just might. :/

If none of this makes sense, blame the cold that I have. I probably should be napping now lol.

community, meta, rambling about tv again, just my two cents

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