The Mysteries of Laura

Jan 07, 2016 09:13

This was  absolute bullshit. So I am putting this on pause. Cause I fucking refuse to sit through another   stupid fucking show.
Why do tv writers insist on contrived bullshit stories? Why do they sit up there and ruin their lead? I will never understand. Laura is a fucking moron. They are making her out to be a dumb bitch and I am so fucking pissed off. It's fucked up that she thinks it's okay to "juggle" Tony and Jake.  As if Tony's feelings don't matter at all. And I fucking hate Tony!! But he deserves way  better than Laura. She does not love him. She may be keeping him around to make herself feel good. She didn't want to get dumped, but would it have even mattered? She barely has time for him. She is all about flirting with Jake. WTF.

So now that Jake lied about his health- and that is understandably stupid- she is all butt hurt and runs back to Tony? *rage smashes everything*. What the fucking hell is that? She knew that Tony was at her house and instead of going there, she was going to hang out with Jake, Billy and Meredith. She only left because his phone rang, she answered, and found out about his brain damage. Please. Isn't the pressing issue - what's up with Jake? How bad is he? Maybe she should get the fuck over herself, listen to him and then go from there. But drop kick Tony off a cliff already. He doesn't need some wishy washy imbecille. It is so fucked up that she is with him, because she is pissed
at Jake. Grow the fuck up.

I am sick of this crap. It 's not good writing at all. Make it about Jake's health, her needing to work through her feelings and send Tony to Vegas. He is not needed at all, and keeping him around makes her look bad. Not interested in watching this show become more of a fucking stupid soap opera. Fix your shit.

episode review, boring so boring, stupid people make me question humanity, the mysteries of laura, so over it, lake, rants make the world go round

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