
Jan 04, 2016 08:49

My show!!! My beautiful rainbow of joy is back!!! *twirls*

The opening number was hilariously meta and it was awesome. Sid giving away the ending was hysterical. So this season is about three armies determing who should rule all. Ok. The thing is, Valencia belongs to Isabella's family. Shouldn't her parents want it back? What are they expecting from the wedding? Clearly this situation was set up pre-series , why did she not speak up then? Or can't she, since this the 13th Century. But man. How stupid is it, to lock her away for months   and that doesn't seem wrong? I dunno how she gets out, but that whole storyline is fucked up. I love how she said that she doesn't need him to get her out, but damn it, someone help her!

Galavant and Richard are exactly what I hoped for! I love Richard so much! The whole gay bar thing was funny- escaping out of the ladies room. Ha! His uncle Keith and Destiny. How is this show real? I love the pirates and I hope we see them again. It was great to see Jean Hamm again. I've missed this show. Madalena and Gareth is going to take some getting used too. Why did she want him by her side? At least Sid is free...ish. But he gets to walk around, so one up on Izzy!

Oh show. Why did you do this? I hate these kinds of stories. Now we have to wait until the end of the season for Isabella to find out that she was wrong. He does   love her. He is trying to save her. Urgh. She broke my heart. Their only kiss? Hell no. And what was wrong with last year? Sure, Gareth knocked him out, but dude! Now that he thinks it was amazing, will he try to improve it? Will he get his forever kiss? You know, after she probably drops his ass. That was way harsher than it needed to be. And now her totally retconned ( I LOVE the chef so much) necklace is broken. Gah. I need them to communicate better. I don't want her thinking that he hates her. I LOVE that they said I love you. Just wish Izzy knew it. It's good that Gwynne agrees about it being gross-Isabella and Harry. Felt like everyone else is just rolling along. I enjoyed seeing the Jester and Chef try to help her out. She needs a friend so badly right now. He loves you! Don't do anything stupid!

And now Richard knows about Gareth. And Gareth did not give him a thought at all. He is the new King and seems totally happy. Sid is the new bff apparently. I hope that Sid is all right. Tossing him into dirty moat water? Not cool bro. #savesid is still in affect.
Richard and his unicorn. ❤ I hope he finds the unicorn again. So what if he can prefict Richard's secret? They need something to ride on!
I can see a small budding friendship between them. Awe. Maybe Richard will tell Isabella how sickening Galavant will be about her? Just someone make it better! My poor Izzy. This is ep TWO. God help me.

episode review, richard is a sparkly unicorn, galavant, galavant is love, the chef knows all, isabella feels, my happy place is shiny and awesome

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