So last weekend, they played the ep before the shippy one. It was about football players, but it was also about Rollins. And it opened my eyes to her mental state during the shippy one.
She was already in a gambling mood. She was watching a game at a bar and she lost. So, this dude came up to her (later) and asked her about his money. She was with her doogie. She said that she had OT coming up and that he would get his money. Girl. I can’t remember how much crap she was in during the epic ep where they fought (I NEED to re-see this ep. PRONTO. They keep talking about it and I want to see them fight. Plus, I think this is when we find out that she was sleeping with her sponsor and I think when she could have gotten into trouble. I feel like that ep is probably the key to their stuff.)
But she was slipping again, I guess. She put in for the OT and Olivia saw it. That she had too much or something and she was like, go through me next time, okay? And Rollins was like okay. A man came in and that is when the case started. They grew up together in Loganville, Georgia and his nephew was missing. Naturally, she jumped at the chance to help out and wanted the case to be bigger, I think. At one point, she went back to that dude, Nate, for money. He gave her some and said that she had to go to GA. So, they went and she told a story of how happy her daddy was after he won. She seemed taken with that memory, like, it had a profound impact on her. Look at what he accomplished and it was all due to something so easy. I’m sure his gambling had a dark side, but she may over look that part.
I think she thought it came with sex but he said no. Later on, after the case was going badly or stalled or whatever, she went back to him and tried to sleep with him. He wanted to know why she wasn’t at the meetings. She said the case and then had to leave again. Even later on, she did sleep with him (kiddio, no) and she threw a wad of money at him. She said that she was on a lucky streak and this made them even. She seemed unhappy about it (no doubt. Why does she think she needs to sleep with someone? To get something? To feel good about herself? Does she think that is all she has to offer? ROLLINS. My little boo- boo. If any of that is true, than I NEED Amaro to be there for her. I need him to show her that she is more than just her body or her addiction. That he loves her (please god) for HER and that he sees HER and that he wants to be with HER. If they cannot be in love, than friendship love with suffice. Cause she needs to feel good about herself. In case she doesn’t. Goddamn, but do they desperately need each other)
So, if she got money (the OT?) that could be why she went off the damn rails in the shippy ep. She was already back off the horse and she felt in control and then it all went horribly, horribly wrong for her. Her addiction came so close to destroying everything for her. I do think that that could have been a turning point for him. He was so worried about her (more than anyone else) and he so badly wanted to help her out. At the end, it was both him and Fin, who were staring at her. He laid back and let her talk to Fin, but he was a big reason that they even knew something was up. It would have just been her and Olivia who knew. Fin suspected that she was gambling again and gave her money. © But it took Amaro being nosey and concerned, to bring it out there. And he went digging on his own for info and saw how far she was going. He told Liv it was also because of what she went through, but what? Rollins wasn’t being kidnapped and tortured. I guess he was just really worried about her. And god knows, he went too far in that ep too. The finale is like her version of those events. They try to help but they make the situation worse. But if they start to date for real, than that could get better. They can just talk to each other. Maybe they had problems with partners in the past, but they are both cops who have the same job and they both need someone in their life. They could get close. I mean, Fin and Liv are their partners, so they are closer to them, but maybe sometimes you want an outside prospective. And they can give that to each other.
In this ep, I am spacing how it happened, but he helped her out. He was on her side, to the point where Olivia was like, you two teaming up now? Gurl, don’t be hatin’. Which may explain her comment to Fin- those two, I wish they’d get a room already. She may have sensed something (from them getting along?) and then it spilled over into the next ep. But anyway, it was cute to see them team up. And when she was feeling down about the case, he and Fin told her it wasn’t her fault. But they didn’t interact as much. He didn’t have a lot to do. But then, he had the shippy ep coming up. J
It was really interesting, this ep, to see her start to fall. But she breaks my heart too. She told Amaro to reach out in the finale, but I think she needs to take her own advice. There are people who want to help her and she has to stick to the meetings. She can’t go wander off. And I hope that he is the one she is holding herself accountable too. It’s like Mitchell and Hal. They needed someone to make them better. Mitchell didn’t want to disappoint Annie and I think Alex may have been like that for Hal, but really, they just crushed on each other. Annie and Mitchell were in love. But if Rollins had someone to contend with, than I think she would do okay. Cause living with his disappointment would be worse. Of course, she could also use him as a distraction, since he has his own craziness to deal with. They would be such a good fit. Balance each other out, be there when they need someone and just listen to each other. They seem to have each other’s back (from what I’ve gleaned from the fandom) so why not build on that? I would like to see them as a couple (REALLY would) but I can also see them as friends. They need somebody and why not turn to each other?
If Rollins had let him or Fin in, she could have stopped the events of the shippy ep and Olivia wouldn’t have had to dress her down. She wouldn’t have disappointed Fin (he was hurt that she didn’t trust him with her undercover work) and Amaro wouldn’t have had to worry.
But she did and that is that. (plus Murphy maybe wouldn’t have gotten beat up) but it was nice to see that they were headed towards her falling right before the shippy ep. I just want to hug her and tell her that she is going to be okay. The Captain kicked his drinking and she can stop gambling. She just needs to open up more. And she may have family issues. I don’t know how close she is to her mother, but she was surprised that the woman told the dude where to find her. I think the second ep with her sister is the fountain of info I may need and that involves Amaro, so he had a small peek into her. J
They are both so messed up. But they can get better and why not make them stronger together? They don’t have to take over the show, why would they? Though they could explore what is it like to have a relationship and work SVU? To be a cop and date another cop? Where do you go to unwind from each other or do you turn to each other to be Nick and Amanda for a while and not Rollins and Amaro? There is a mine here, if they want to poke around and explore something different. I mean, they started it. They are the ones who put that boy in a towel at her house. If it was a one time thing, it wouldn’t have been a big deal (and Danny did say it was a relationship) and her actions in the finale wouldn’t have made sense. But I think it’s clear that she has feelings for him. Of some kind and who knows, maybe the Murphy thing is his warped way of showing his feelings for her. He does have to deal with Maria and does he really want to let that marriage go? Munch told him too and that woman did not want to be with him, so he should move on. Maybe this thing with Rollins isn’t the end of the line, and he can be with Maria again, but that relationship is so dead. Now may not be the smartest time for them to really get involved, but love has a timing of its own. I just don’t want it to be one sided nonsense. I want them to both agree to be together or not. We don’t know if they are just casual hook up buddies or if there are any rules. I do hope that it gets serious. At least for half the season or the entire season. The more I see and think about, the more I want them to work out, somehow. Cause they really do make the most sense and they do need each other. It won’t be easy, but they don’t strike me as the kind of people who give up easy.
Also, Liv was like, you know those two, if I say no, they will just go ahead anyway and when did we become the voice of reason? Hee. Where they not? I know Stabler was a loon, but Fin and Munch seemed easy. Is Liv a renegade? Ha!
Don’t forget- Liv and Fin have been doing the job for over ten years. Rollins and Amaro are babies. Though Rollins was doing SVU in Atlanta. But they have only been there for three years. So, cut them some slack, Jack. They are doing the best they can. :p