Being Human

Mar 13, 2013 10:43

Ahh, show. i'm going to miss you so much! Big thanks to every single person who worked on it. It was truly wonderful to get to know Mitchell, Annie, George, Nina, Hal, Tom and Alex. I just wish I could keep up with them career-wise, but alas, I live in the US, so...good luck on everything they do!

I am so glad that this ended on a cheery note. I was so scared that it would end in tears. But Being Human seemed like a positive goal, something worthwhile, something worth putting up with all the shit that went into defeating the monsters within. And it was. They got very, very lucky and you know that this time, they'll be careful. They won't screw up. They'll be fine as long as they all stick together. And that is exactly what I want from a tv show. Friendship, above all else. That together, you can do anything and be anyone. You know the old Lost saying, "You can live together, or die alone." So thanks for that, show! It made me grin like an idiot.

This felt like that SPN ep, What is and What Should Never Be. So I figured that they would chose each other. But man, my heart broke for Alex. :( That poor girl. And what happens when she bumps into her family down the road? (if she doesn't see them again) how the hell will she explain her death? But at least she knows that they are safe and okay and she is able to feel again.Be a person again. With her boys. :)

Tom seeing Allison again, with their baby...low blow, Hatch. I wonder if he'll look her up? What will she say about him being cured? I hope they do reconnect, but it'll be hard, for sure. I hope that he is not a werewolf anymore. GIve the kid a chance to have a real life, it seems like that is all he wanted. A chance to have a pack (and he does have one) and a normal life.

Hal. Shouldn't he have aged or died when he became human? Boyfriend's 500! hee. I don't think he'll ever forget the people that he killed (nor should he) but at least we know he won't kill again. (right?) He can finally be free. Free of the hateful side of himself, free to hang with his friends and finally be a member of soceity and not feel worthless. I couldn't take the vampire!Hal. Seeing Putting on the Ritz? *dies of second hand embarassment* good lord. But I'm also glad that in the end, that verison of him did the right thing and used his blood. And I'm really glad that Tom didn't have to kill him. I was not ready to see that again

I didn't see the rook thing coming at all. either time. i guess it's good that his department came back lol as for the devil stuff, eh, i've seen it all before on spn (including the black smoke) so that didn't do much for me, but i'm glad they ended after defeating the devil *glares at spn* at least this show got it right. I'll miss these crazy kids and I am so glad that I gave into all the ads I saw of this show on bbc america. It was brilliant, funny, creepy, sad, wonderul and thinky. I mean Hal gets to live again, but all the people tha the killed are still dead, does that seem fair? Mitchell, et al, died, hell the baby died! and these three live. But anyway, I LOVED this show. They left me smiling. That's all I ask for. :)

spoilers sweetie, episode review, being human, long and winded that's my game

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