Too many shows...

Mar 08, 2013 07:47

We'll start with Community first. Get the bad out of the way. :( I knew I wouldn't like this ep anyway (I don't see a reason for Britta to be involved in everything Jeff does. I'm sorry, but I never liked J/B and that is not going to change)
It feels nice to be angry over something else other than the J/A bullshit. Progress?
I cannot believe they had Jeff tell Britta that she probably wanted to sleep with him now. That makes no sense, if anything she should have hugged him. For the little lost boy that he was. :( And then to have her play it off like she totally wasn't thinking about that..heh. URGH. She is dating Troy and I can't see either her or Jeff ever cheating on Troy. I know they didn't knock J/A off the table, only to reanimate this long dead (and tedious) ship. Like, I know that can't be what I saw so...*eye roll* I hate the hate boner I have for them right now. But it's nice to know, after this ep, I would have been unhappy anyway.

I'm glad that Jeff told WIlliam how he felt but why did he act like they were buddies at first? I was afraid we were going Full House there for a minute. I'm glad that Jeff realized this was probably the one chance he had to unleash on his dad. I'm so sad for the little boy Jeff used to be. :( Oh, sweetheart. he just needs someone to love him, doesn't he? *COUGHANNIECOUGH* I hope that the six of them give him a sense of the person he can be. They are his real family and if he let them in, he'd be a lot happier. They love you Jeff, even when you are a douche. :) (which he wasn't in this ep) They'd have his back and vise versa. <3

It was the half bro who got Jeff to unleash on his dad, so please explain to me, why Britta barged in where she was not wanted? She was shoved into the background and was so tacky with the boom box. I hate that they dont' have her take her fucking career seriously. *eye roll*

On to my orginial happy place! I loved this ep of Psych. :) I so am with Shawn on Henry/Maddie. MY EYES dude. I don't mind Rachael and it bugs me that I can't place her lol I did not see the little boy coming, I wonder how Gus will feel about that? He'd be a good pal to him, though, Gus is still basically a little boy after all. :p
 I love when Juliet goes undercover because she gets SO into it. <3 I also love that she manhandle the bad guy on her own. you go girl *snaps*

So, Shawn and Juliet will move in together. How long can he keep lying to her? I think they are headed for a serious talk at some point. It has to bug him a little that he lies to her face every single day. But I think it's good that he is ready to take that step with her.

That Shawn and Lassie scene. I laughed so hard. These past two eps have been so good and so funny. :) Can't wait to see next week's, it looks hilarious. I am so glad to have this show back!

psych, episode review, community

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