
Feb 22, 2013 09:23

I still cannot fully process what went down last night. Like, I just have nothing but- OMGOMGOMG JEFF SAID THAT IF HE AND ANNIE WERE MARRIED, HE WOULD NEVER FLIRT WITH ANOTHER WOMAN. AND THEN THE LOOKS AND THEN HE GOT HER DRINK AND AHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Did other stuff happen? Cause that ate my brain out. I just can't even. He was like, so cool about it all. Just, reality would be better than her fantasy. *spazzes out* JEFF WINGER I LOVE YOU!! And I love that Annie confronted him about how he ditched her out, is it so hard to hang with her? And then he asked her to hang with him. And he wanted to go skiing with her. If I could draw hearts over that scene on the couch, I WOULD. It was awesome and beautiful and AHHHHHHhh. Now, if only they'd have kissed. Then I think, I would have really died. I just can't handle these two. She was so cute when they called her Mrs. Winger. I KNOW, ANNIE. I don't blame her for picking the phone back up and then falling back onto the bed. That's basically what I did when Jeff so nonchantly said IF THEY WERE MARRIED OMGYAYERS. They need to become cannon. I mean, come on show. IF THEY WERE MARRIED HE WOULD ONLY WANT TO BE WITH ANNIE. *DEAD FOREVER-

As for the rest- Go britta for toughing out the con when she couldn't have cared any less. While I am not at all in interested in her and Troy as a couple, I will admit that sometimes they are cute and she was so cool to not get upset that Troy wanted to hang with Abed. She's so their Topanga. :p
So now that we know that they are sleeping together, I guess that explains why Troy moved out of the blanket fort room with Abed.

The con stuff with Abed and Toby just made me sad. Poor Abed. :( Troy will ALWAYS come for Abed. No matter what. The American Captain Spacetime (or whatever Pierce called it) was so hilariously bad with freakin' Luke Perry and Jeannie Garth. Too funny. And Jeff's British accent was TERRIBLE and hilarious. But honestly, I may need to rewatch this (if I can get past Jeff and Annie) since after that scene- I basically just stopped functioning. Hee. That was such a good ep. It was funny, it involved them all, JEFF AND ANNIE, T/B were cute (she got him a present- awe) Abed and Troy are just the bestest thing ever. Yeah, this one was a good one. :) <3 JEFF AND ANNIE HAVE KILLED ME DEAD.

jeff and annie, episode review, long and winded that's my game, death by show, community, my emotions, capslock properly expresses my emotions, squee, dancing like a fool, my happy place is shiny and awesome

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