You're going to school not the bloody moon [closed]

Aug 31, 2016 21:16

Chaos and anarchy. Roger vaguely remembered mentioning something like that to Jemma last week when he'd spoken with her about Emmeline growing up. The statement had never rang more true than at this moment.

The entire week was a nightmare. Sunday involved a meeting of random parents of children entering Hogwarts, a discussion forum full of bigots trying to find any reason to scare the other parents into pulling their children from the school year due to werewolves, though Roger could have replaced the statements with any random wildlife predator and the sentiments would have been the same. Monday was a dinner with his mother, sisters, all the children, and himself to give Lily a proper send off. Tuesday involved a family therapy session, of all things, to make sure Dahlia was processing this transition well and feeling supported (she was and did, for the record, according to her bright and bubbly child therapist).

Today, today had been its own fresh hell. Lily had forgotten or lost damn near everything she needed for her first day (except her wand, thank Merlin). They'd made three - seriously, three - trips to Diagon Alley to replenish things that they were later able to find.

By then time dinner was rolling around, Roger was about to pull out his hair or Lily's since she was demanding fishtail braids for her train ride in the morning.

He hated literally everything in that moment.

Somehow, though, he'd managed to get it into his head to send Jemma a quick owl earlier, a bit presumptuous perhaps, but the only option he had. He was entirely too interested in her to cancel the first of their standing ... dinners.


We're at crisis levels over here with Hogwarts coming up tomorrow. Kept Linden out of school. If you don't mind dealing with it, you could bring the twins by for dinner here?

It's Davies Estate, Bristol if you decide you want to floo by us.


jemma dorny

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