And now we wait

Feb 22, 2015 22:06

Roger was trying not to be late. He'd spent at least half an hour the night before promising his girls that he'd be able to pick them up from day care and that he'd actually be on time this time. It might not always be his fault when practice ran over as they got closer to matches or other events, but it was hard to explain that to the bright, ( Read more... )

jemma dorny

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rkdavies February 24 2015, 01:45:23 UTC
"My sisters and my mother are life savers. I'm pretty sure I'd have failed this a long time ago if it wasn't for them." Roger felt awful about it, relying so much on them to help him out. He wasn't sure if he or his daughters were luckier in that deal.

Somehow, this woman he was talking to - he really had to work names into this at some point - made him feel a little less guilty about it. If it was her words or that look in her eyes, was anyone's guess. Roger suspected it was a bit of both.

"Lily, the oldest, has been dancing since she could walk. Dahlia, the youngest, started when she was three." Roger laughed just thinking about it, face lighting up at the memory. "Coordination has very little to do with it. At that point, I think it's all about tutus and spinning until they're dizzy. Or chaos, probably. But they had fun and the pictures are going to be priceless when they hit 13."

What self-respecting parent didn't look at all their kids' choices as ways to taunt them mercilessly with their own decisions later in life? It was the only thing he suspected made the teen years fun.


jemmadorny February 24 2015, 02:49:46 UTC

And somehow, tormenting her children didn't quite pop into her head as immediately as it should have. She felt a little ashamed. Really- the vision of Emmy falling all over herself in tulle and tights brought a slight giggle to her lips.

"Merlin, that's a brilliant idea. I wonder if I could convince David, too- oh he could be like a little Gene Kelly or something-"

She paused, chewing on her bottom lip again.

"Sorry- Muggle thing- my mum was obsessed with Singing in the Rain was I was a kid-"

She brushed her hair back.

"Still, you're very smart R-er-I'm sorry, I'm Jemma-" she stumbled, offering him her hand.


rkdavies February 24 2015, 03:38:58 UTC
"He'd be a hit. The instructor's son is in Lily's classes. He'd basically have 12 girls falling all over him immediately." Roger thought it was particularly hilarious. He'd been watching Zoey let Declan get swarmed by Lily's dance class since they were barely standing on stage in sunshine and daisy costumes. It was kind of adorable, actually.

He was grinning openly by the time she got to a mini-ramble about Gene Kelly and Singing in the Rain. And hell, how was that so adorable in a completely different way?

He was about to go off on that when it happened, and his grin barely slipped. It's not like he wasn't used to getting recognized. The way she did it was very obviously a slip, too. Roger could be bothered and offended but who had that kind of time?

Also, she was beautiful, hilarious, and vaguely embarrassed. He settled for taking her hand and laughing.

"Nice to met you, Jemma." He shook her hand, letting go before he let it get awkward, even then he had to remind himself to. "I'm Roger. But I guess you know that," he teased.


jemmadorny February 25 2015, 16:30:27 UTC
"You caught me-"

Not only was it Jemma's job to know everyone with a public profile in the wizarding world, it was a responsibility to at least know of all the very handsome ones. Still, the flush creeping into her cheeks was pink as she laughed.

"Hard not to, anyway," she said, shrugging her shoulders. "My father is a huge fan- If it weren't so ridiculous for an old man to have a bunch of posters hanging around the house, I'm sure you'd be hanging over the mantel."

She pressed her lips together.

Maybe she had rambled on enough.


rkdavies February 27 2015, 02:55:36 UTC
Roger would have liked to play it as calm, cool, and collected. Some might call it detached. Unfortunately, Roger Davies wasn't all that great at detached.

Not having to walk on eggshells around Lavender for the past couple years just made things easier. He liked not having to lock every thing down into carefully planned reactions.

From the way Jemma kept saying something random and trying to cut herself off, Roger go the feeling he didn't have to.

So he laughed. It was a little louder than it should have been, earning them a few startled looks from other parents. Roger winced a little and quieted to a more sedate chuckle.

"I don't know if I should be creeped out or flattered. I'm going to choose flattered because I kind of like talking to you."


jemmadorny February 27 2015, 14:27:50 UTC
His laughter felt oddly tingly to her ears. She liked the way it sounded. She liked the way his eyes crinkled and his lips moved when it happened. She didn't really notice if anyone was looking at them, then, because he was sort of all she could focus on. Which, really, get yourself together Dorney. He's just a handsome bloke- a handsome, single dad who clearly loves his kids and plays professional Quidditch to boot-

But no- nothing to get excited over.

"Definitely be flattered," she said, nodding her head. "It's not like I'm the president of your fan club-"

Then, she paused, a cheeky grin spreading across her lips.

"I'm just the treasurer."


rkdavies March 7 2015, 21:04:13 UTC
She was cheeky. He hadn't known her long - discounting all the various path crossings that came with having children in the same day care - but Roger found himself enjoying her wit. The way she seemed to always have a knowing look in her eyes and how her face lit up when she smiled just made it better.

"If you're just the treasurer then I guess that changes everything." Roger bit his lip around a grin. He didn't know her well enough to get away with outlandish flirting, but... He was Roger Davies. A little bit of that reputation still held so why not own up to it a little?

"If you were the vice president, not only would it be not creepy, but I might have considered asking if your schedule - "that was obviously as at least as hectic as his - "and sitter might give you time for dinner."


jemmadorny March 16 2015, 16:29:25 UTC

She hitched up her eyebrow, turning her body just slightly enough so that it was turned more toward him, open to the idea of dinner. Well- more than open, but she couldn't seem desperate now, could she?

"I suppose I could squeeze you in, maybe- that is, if you're not beneath dinner with the one counting all those fan club membership fees?"

Was this happening? Like, a date? With a man? A real, live man? She almost couldn't believe it.

She wondered briefly what Reid would say. And then nearly laughed at the image of his eyes bulging.


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