
Jul 17, 2012 00:43

Roger was still a little wrung out from the whole thing with Lavender from the day before. Babysitting wasn't something he should probably be doing in his current mood. Getting drunk with Eddie was probably what he should be doing, but that took coordination ( Read more... )

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mandy_dear July 17 2012, 04:50:24 UTC
Mandy always loved Roger. She had certainly had developed a little crush on him when she was younger but that was all gone now anyways and she just loved joking around with him. Mandy of the Ravenclaw boys were like her brothers and close friends, none closer than Terry of course but they were close. She always figured since she was an only child she just assumed that they were all her family now.

She smiled and ran to the door when she heard his knock. She hadn't seen him yet this summer and even thought she knew she as about to get picked on, it would still be good to see him.

She flung open the door and smiled, "Hello!" She quickly gave him a hug, "That's because I missed you." She then slapped him on the arm, "And that's for picking on me!"


rkdavies July 17 2012, 04:54:01 UTC
"You could give a guy whiplash, you know that?" Roger tried to glare but was too busy laughing.

"You're dating a puppy. You knew what I was going to do with that," he told her. The look he gave her was one he usually gave his sisters when he knew he had a point.

That's basically what Mandy was, though. Another little sister. If you ignored how attractive she was, which Roger had worked hard to learn to do.


mandy_dear July 17 2012, 04:58:39 UTC
Mandy studck her tounge out at him, "You love me anyways Davies." She grabbed his hand and pulled him inside and shut the door.

"He's not a puppy! You make him sound like a first year! I think I'm more in shock that he's a Gryffindor boy." Most people knew that Mandy wasn't a fan of most of the Gryffindors. You had to be something special if you were her friend from that house. There really were only two, Lavender and Drew.

"So what's new with you old one?"


rkdavies July 17 2012, 05:05:57 UTC
Waving a hand, Roger gave her a cheesy grin. "So what year is he? Fifth? He's still a puppy."

Honestly, he was happy if she was happy. At some point, he might have to vet this Drew kid, but he wanted to tease Mandy about it for a while before then.

Roger snorted. "How much time do you have? I can Apparate, so I've been all over Britain in the past few weeks. I think I broke Lavender. I did break a chair. You know, same ol'."


mandy_dear July 17 2012, 05:09:23 UTC
She shook her head as she sat on the couch, "I'm sorry he's not some super cool seventh year like you! But yes he's a fifth year."

Wait did he just say he broke Lavender? She gave him a confused look, "You broke Lavender and a chair? I feel there is some explaining in there."


rkdavies July 17 2012, 05:14:00 UTC
"Not everyone can be as cool as me. I'm glad you've made your peace with it," Roger laughed quietly and let himself fall back in a chair.

"I tripped over my sister's shoes and fell on a chair. It lost. It was actually pretty funny, though."

Roger knew, knew, that wasn't the part she was interested in, but he was still working up to dealing with the whole Lavender situation. He'd buy as much time as Mandy would let him.


mandy_dear July 17 2012, 17:42:28 UTC
"Oh you are going around calling yourself cool now? Well I'll play along," she said with a smirk. She just loved being one of the few people who didn't swoon at the sight of him. Of courseit always been that way, but he didn't need to know that.

"You broke a chair tripping over your sister's shoes. I thought I was the uncoordinated one there. Did you at least fix the poor chair?"

She wanted to know what happened to Lavender but clearly he didn't want to talk about, so she wouldn't bring it up, just yet anyways.


rkdavies July 17 2012, 19:58:26 UTC
"I was always cool. I've tried to teach you this." Roger feigned a disappointed sigh. "Maybe that's why you're dating down. You never really understood cool. I feel responsible."

Rolling his eyes, Roger shook his head. "I threw it out. It was the ugliest thing in the house. I'm pretty sure it once belonged to Filch. I wish I were kidding."


mandy_dear July 17 2012, 23:04:51 UTC
Mandy rolled her eyes and laughed, "If you say so. And like you would have ever dated down to me anyways dear."

"Why would your family have a chair that belonged to Filch? That doesn't even make sense."


rkdavies July 18 2012, 02:37:21 UTC
"You wouldn't be dating down, per se," Roger explained. "Maybe sideways. I like younger girls so it works. Also, you're blonde."

It was possibly a very poorly kept secret that Roger liked blondes. He blamed Lavender.

"You never know. Mum could have been a delinquent and stolen it. She's not as nice as she'd have you believe."


mandy_dear July 18 2012, 02:42:22 UTC
"Well then how the hell haven't we dated?" She said jokingly. It was crazy though, he was some of her type and well she was some of his. It didn't make sense.

"And dating sideways? That doesn't even make sense," she said with a laugh.

At the though of Roger's mom stealing a chair she couldn't picture it, her mother perhaps but not his, "Or you did and you won't fess up!"


rkdavies July 18 2012, 03:36:15 UTC
"You were annoying your first year. And second. And third. And half of fourth. You got lumped into the sister category," Roger told her, very matter-of-fact. Actually, Mandy was one of the least annoying people he knew. He couldn't have her getting a big head, though. Then it would be two of them, and where would they be?

He handwaved at her. Dating sideways made sense. Somehow. Sort of.

Shaking his head, Roger leaned forward to giver her a conspiratorial look. "I can neither confirm or deny it. You can't prove a thing."


mandy_dear July 18 2012, 20:41:19 UTC
Mandy rolled her eyes, she was never annoying. She was absolutely wonderful, okay maybe not that far, but you get the picture. She stuck her tongue out at him, "You are a liar Roger. You were just to scared to ask me! And then you went and got a big head when that Fluer girl asked you to the Yule Ball and you've been a goner since."

She laughed at his comment about the chair, "I know it. You are worse then those Weasley twins I tell ya."

She stood up, "Shall we walk to the cafe down the street? We can get some sandwiches."


rkdavies July 19 2012, 00:14:43 UTC
"I went out with Fleur. Who is French. And part Veela. You can't ask for much after something like that!" That was pretty much one of the things Roger Davies was known for in Hogwarts. Quidditch Captain and took Fleur to the Yule Ball.

There were worse legacies to have.

Roger shoved to his feet and stretched his arms back. "As long as they have quality coffee. I'd kill for caffeine right now." He may have been up all night angsting about Lavender.


mandy_dear July 19 2012, 18:38:52 UTC
Mandy laughed and shook her head, "You're so funny. I still love you though."

Mandy nodded, "I'm sure it will be up to your standards." She grabbed his hand and led him out the door, "Let's go."


rkdavies July 19 2012, 18:55:14 UTC
Roger let the door slam behind them as he followed her toward the cafe.

"Tell me more about this puppy you're dating. Do I have to make threats? I can make threats."


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