So over the course of the past couple of weeks I've been culling through Fanpop and annoying their administrators by sending them huge lists of my artwork that I'm demanding that they remove from their servers. Yesterday I found 173 items including a bunch of newly re-uploaded stuff that they had just removed!
I provide my artwork to everyone for
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If your work is posted in your blog it is protected by US copyright laws.
Email me for more info.
I'll get the pitchforks out. I don't know if you know about this, but does a reverse image search - the database it has is small, but it might able to help you in locating more of your artwork online.
Also, love the animated GIFs you have up here on the side. The Reese brothers is just - - - yeah. :D
I know that's possibly my fav TSCC moment from the series *Tears up*
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