So I've been slowly working on loading all of my fanfiction into my own archive with the plan that eventually I'll make my own website where all of my different fandom stuff is all centrally located so that people can see what complete spaz I am w/ all of different my fanstuff.
Today I added uploaded all of my current fanfiction!
Here's an easy to find list of my fanfiction that I currently have loaded:
Anakin & Padme Vignette Collection *Vignettes/One Shots*
Sandstorm Celebration *Short Story*
Stranded *Vignette/One Shot**
Alderaan Blessings *Short Story*
Memories of my Beloved Alderaan *Short Story*
The Passing of the Torch *Vignette/One Shot*
Episode 1: The Republic Show *Vignette/One Shot*
My Alternate Reality EU series
(EU= Expanded Universe - all of these stories are set years after RETURN OF THE JEDI and focus on the extended families of Leia & Han and Luke and Mara Jade. You don't need to know anything about the EU to enjoy reading them since I wrote my own mythology.)
Destinies Entwined: Part 1 Jaina's Journey *Novel*
Destinies Entwined: Part 2 Nubian Son -Family Skeletons *Novel*
Destinies Entwined: Part 3 Unmasked Soul - Roots of Evil *Novel*
To Court A Queen *Novel*
Legacy of Light *Short Story*
Carida Avenged: Unnatural Selection *Novel*
Carida Avenged: Purity Control...abandoned story..
Lois and Clark Vignettes *Vignettes/One Shots*
Redlust *Short Story*
Superman: Destiny Embraced *Novel*
Superman: Fractured Reality...In Progress Novel
Unspoken Want *Vignette/One Shot*
The Burden of Power *Vignette/One Shot*