Randomness - I'm buried in Screencaps

Feb 15, 2010 14:28

So I've been working all weekend on Screencap management - downloading & unzipping files, creating, sorting, and uploading caps into galleries various HD screencaps from Smallville and TSCC. All of the caps will go onto my new website, whenever I get around to fully working on it. The caps at the moment are consuming all of my time with working on them - hence no new artwork this weekend. (I'm waiting on my buddy Gratch to get me TORN caps, in case you're wondering about those.)

I'm working on uploading the caps that I've already got done - a few eps from season 6 & 9 of Smallville, plus I got my mitts on some gorgeous Blu-Ray files for TSCC season 1 that I'm capping and I'm finishing capping some eps from this season that I didn't finish - Disciple & Crossfire were my latest 2. I also got a 720 of Smallville's ROSETTA (the first Christopher Reeve episode) that I'll be capping. I might grab and cap HEAT too, it's one of my other favorite season 2 episodes. I'll have to look over the season 2 ep list to see what else I might want to cap from it or maybe even season 1 (probably only the Pilot.) Seasons 3-4 are difficult to find in anything other than 632 sized files...which honestly, why bother? I've found some 720 Blu-Ray files for season 8 and figure once I've taken care of the stuff that I'm working on I'll download the best of that season and cap it too. I'd like to get KARA, GEMINI, SIREN, and APOCALYPSE from season 7 also - but so far I haven't been able to find Blu-Rays of that season.

I just found a few of my fav SV s3 eps that Kate had upscaled for me so I'll eventually get around to capping those too.

By summer when there's nothing new on I can really dig into finding more Smallville stuff to cap. I also *Might* cap some of my favorite Supernatural episodes, particularly if I can find them as Blu-Rays. I'm on the prowl for TSCC s2 on Blu-Ray but so far haven't found any yet. "V" will also be a short season w/ only 12 episodes so I'll probably hunt those down and cap them as well.

Oh and I really like the way that I'm organizing the screencaps on my new site, I'm thinking of redoing my CSS pages to mirror them.
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