X-Men: First Class US/International Trailers…

Apr 28, 2011 20:46

Thanks to Ain't It Cool News for posting a link to the X-Men: First Class International Trailer.

I've made mention in the past that many times the International Trailers differ a great deal from their US counterparts. This trailer really does give me hope that maybe this film won't suck. A few mutants appear to be new while a few are missing but I guess Bobby Drake aka Iceman is holding out for a spin off?

Overall, if this is the reboot the X-Men Franchise needs than so be it, X-Men 1 and most of 2 were good movies while X3 and Wolverine were easily forgettable which is unfortunate but I guess every movie franchise has to have their own Temple of Doom/Alien 3/Terminator 3.

I'd post the Transformers 3 trailer that dropped today but I was more impressed with the trailers for 1+2 than 3. 3 is still on Earth. Why is 3 still on Earth? Why not Cybertron? Why not greenscreen it like 300? Why not something new?

US Trailer

UK Trailer

image Click to view

Originally published at RKB Writes. You can comment here or there.

movies, geekdom, movie trailers

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