Grrr, urge to kill rising...

Dec 07, 2009 08:17

So, somewhere last night, Cartoon Network went long on somethin' and Venture Bros cut off halfway thru the Master's speech with Triana (who has been sorely missed this season).

I set up my DVR to compensate for this but the 5mins before hand and the 1 minute afterwards didn't help even though I saw a few Robot Chicken skits I hadn't seen before.

Missed Alice but I'll catch it on reruns or DVD. The reviews seem to cover the same thing: Good idea, good casting just bad directing and editing in spots. Judging from Matt Fewer being in it I'm guessing this is why he wasn't in Eureka that much last season.

Finished Kat Richardson's Graywalker and enjoyed it. And, judging by her book list there's two more books after Poltergeist which is next on the list to be read.

television, venture bros

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