
Dec 06, 2009 09:00

Well, last night storm was supposed to be 1"-4" fo snow never materialized.

Instead, there's a heap load of black ice on the road.

From the sounds of it last night's NaNoWrimo TGIO party was moved from Blake's to Malachi's and got over just in time for it to start snowing.

I'll be happy once school is over I can go to the Providence Geek get togethers.

Draft Zero is just shy over the 10k line.

Well, Dollhouse looks to be moving forward, finally. Two Tophers was worth the price of admission. It was intersting to see how the two Dollhouses differ from each other. Zen in LA and like slabs of meat in DC. I think if Summer Glau was ever cast as a normal person the world would implode thrice over.

Stargate Universe left off on a good midseason finale. I'm glad it's taken them this long to find some life. Unlike most of the SG Shows they would have found life in the first episode this time it's taken them almost half the season to track something down. I'd grouse about the use of the words "midseason finales" but whatever.

Flashfoward has been dropping in the ratings but I'm enjoying it. It's no LOST but then it's not supposed to be. It's too bad they keep replacing show runners, smells like too many cooks in the kitchen like BIonic Woman.

Community and 30 Rock continue to shine in my eyes and well worth watching if you haven't seen them.

Let's hope the Pats can win today...


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