Sunday Drive...

Nov 08, 2009 10:58

I have to admit my parents never took us on a Sunday Drive unlike Paul C's horrendous experiences with his parents dragging him all over the place when he was young.

I finished up half of my Design 3 homework the rest of it will be done once I get home tonight from the Write In at Empire Tea and Coffee in Newport.

I foresee this week being bad and not because of Modern Warfare 2 coming out Tuesday, it's mostly due to Veterans Day in the middle of the week and the fact I have a make up class on Friday. Depending on how much work I need to get done me going to the Mid-Term Write may not happen.

The good news about this week is I'm going to Star Wars in Concert at the Dunk on Wednesday. :)

Time to go warm up the Tom Tom and roll...

nanowrimo, star wars, write in

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