
Nov 07, 2009 23:05

Had a good Write-In tonight.

I've been balancing work, school and NaNoWrimo for a better part of a week and so far so good. Mid-terms are over and most of my homework is done for next week.

Write-In had a few new and old people show up which was great and now my sticker supply is almost gone. Which does not bode well for anyone at the Write-Ins tomorrowy.

I've Google Mapped the Write Ins and it's not bad, the early one is early and the one in Newport is noon to five. I'm just trying to figure out if I should go to both or focus on one and get more of my homework out of the way since the soul sucking game know as Modern Warfare 2 is due on Tuesday.

Word count is finally up to 12k which is on track and the story is coming along quite well since I have no synopsis and I'm just writing.

sharselune is up to 37k.

Time for bed...will figure out what to do in the morning...

nanowrimo, write in

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