Terminator Salvation Trailer...

Dec 09, 2008 22:33

It premiered on ET tonight and now it's over here on Apple.com.

After getting myself and my entire family (minus mom) burned by Alien^3 in the theater and not getting burned by Terminator 3 (thank you bit torrent), I thiiiiiinnnnnk this has promise.

Just for the fact I'm seeing real robots instead fake, phony, misshapen, mis-lighted, CGI rendered beasts like in Alien^3/T3/AVP. Those motorcycle robots don't look so bad. It's the walking, talking, red-eyed devil Series 800s that I'm happy with.

Overall, It would have more promise if James Cameron was directing but he's doing Avatar and we're getting McG.

McG, in my eyes is nowhere near as bad as say Brett Ratner and Christian Bale looks to be a good John Connor.
Here's hoping Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles survives getting moved to the death slot that is Fox Friday Night, it'd be nice the same property on both Television and in the Theater...

television, scc, terminator

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