SGA Spoilers...

Feb 09, 2008 10:21

Thanks to 
wraithfodder for pointing out the recent Weir news in the recent Joe M Post that I completely missed.

The news sucks. It's the sucky cherry on the already sucky cake that is: Let's put Carter in there this season instead of Weir. The fans won't hate us as much! I wouldn't have minded some banter about how many dead boyfriends this one character has left strewn over the SG landscape over the last few years.

Granted, if I had been written out of a popular show I had been on for 3 years, I'd probably flip them the bird, too. Hopefully she kept the leather outfit, it looked good on her.

So with Woolsey taking over, maybe it won't be so bad. I like Robert Picardo as much as everyone else, I enjoyed the EMH storylines in Voyager more than the rest but Trio last night seemed like a perfect episode for Weir except with Carter substituted.

Perfect Rodney episode. The hole he was digging and the look on his face once they found the rope.

Suddenly, the sound of million of fangirls squealing in delight about Keller taking him for a drink rang out only to followed by millions of shipper fanfics being written by the time the credits rolled.

So, with Weir now completely out (at least I'm assuming completely out), Carter out doing Sanctuary and Woolsey in, one has to ask: Would Rodney be that bad of a leader? The words: "And hilarity ensues." Would have a whole new meaning.

And, while it's great to hear that Jewel will be full time next season, it's unfortunate that with SG:A going with good single episodes instead of the  whole multi-arc, there could have been some good episodes in there for Weir, would it have been so hard to write her in a love life or somethin'?

Time for some breakfast...thankfully, unlike
sharselune no sleepy kitty to deal with! ;)

television, sg:a

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