BSG: Razor... (spoilers)...

Dec 06, 2007 21:14

Picked up BSG: Razor on the way home from work tonight since there was nothing on Television Tonight...

Razor is both good and bad.

Good since it sheds light on Cylon War I and even shows events that would have probably, eventually, shown up in the doomed Caprica spin off. These events are one of the shining spots in the entire DVD because it something everyone can watch with ease with absolutely no backstory except: Robot Cylons fighting the humans.

It's simple, short and sweet.

And, taking a small cue from Lucas, it gives the die hard fans what they want: Ole Cylons and Ole Vipers duking it out. Thankfully, there is no Han shooting first.

The Ole Cylons are CGI and while they look much better than rendering of their descendants, am I the only one who thought it was no surprise to see Helena switch teams after being menaced by a walking toaster. This lil' Lifetime Movie Event almost tops Willow, I think.

I miss the actors in the suits. Say what you will about CGI, if someone is in a suit, and if shot, edited and mixed properly they will look real. Alien and Aliens best example, off the top of my head. For BSG sake, the Ole Cylons from the original show looked real and that made them feel more real. Same thing goes for the T-800s in Terminator 1+2, they looked real not the CGI crap from T3.

The bad:

From a story point of view: It's a fracking mess.

A big ole fracking mess.

I hate flashback shows. I hate flashback shows within flashback shows.

The reason why I mention this is because "Off The Post..." had a flashback within a flashback and we wisely removed it and placed it at the beginning of the script where it belonged.

Just like where the last day of Cylon War I belongs in Razor at the beginning of this movie. Instead, well, we've seen what happens. A clonky info dump from Adama instead of a "oh yeah, those scenes from the beginning of the movie did actually mean something, uh oh." moment.

I find it interesting that some of the Razor Flashbacks, all of Husker's bunk scene, the launch from Galactica and even the flash forward to Adam being advised his son is flying in the fly over was not in this movie. The last scene alone was perfect since that's how the original Mini Series started in 2004.

Is it an oxymoron to have deleted scenes in an unrated, uncut DVD? I would think that everything but the kitchen sink would be in this DVD but I guess not.

Overall, it's worth renting and worth watching since it takes place before what many fans feel they jumped the shark and never to return....

Tomorrow night: A review of Futurama's Bender's Big Score DVD...


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