Tuesday Ramblin'. . .

Dec 05, 2007 20:21

This will teach me to write posts then post them, lost this one this morning in Deepest Sender...

First Five Minutes of The Golden Compass. I read the book this summer and found it to be a good book, I didn't see the religious over tones as much as everyone else but then I don't my panties in a bunch if a fictitious Church is painted in a bad light.

Trailer for The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian. I've never read this series. I don't know if it's because I decided to tackle something else on my summer reading list when I was a kid or just ignored the summer reading list. The first movie was LOTR-Decaf and now Prince Caspian looks like it's keeping most the quality of the first movie and getting darker. This is a good sign since The Hobbit is still in Dev Hell. Scary how we as an audience are growing up with these actors like we did with Potter Trio.

Dark Knight Poster with the Viral Sites for DK kicking into full gear it's nice to see a different poster than the norm. And, it's even nicer to see Bale is playing John Conner in the upcoming Terminator movie. While most of us want to ignore T3, I think Bale is a good choice.

Ray Park as Snake Eyes is great thing to happen to franchise that hasn't been seen in the movie theater since Corba-La-La-La-La! Here's hoping they keep the costume the same.

Knight Rider 3K
. Raise your hand if you remember Knight Rider 2K? If the reports on the script are correct, maybe this won't suck. Car looks good.

Hellboy II Posters
: Yay! I'll say it again: Yay! It's nice to see a comic book property not under Marvel's or DC's banner getting a sequel.

Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Sufer: Yeah, I'm a little late to the party on this one. Having watched it on Pay Per View, I liked it more than the first. They managed to get a lot of stuff in there for a PG rated movie. I'm glad they used a real person for the Surfer for most of the close ups ans hope his spin off they use the same actor or same SFX House.

So, with Heroes and Chuck now on hiatus until next year, we have Journey Man and Life left with new episodes. Bionic Woman has not been picked up and unless some makes a deal with Ray Wise, I don't see it coming back next season.

comics, movies, ramblin'

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