So...Captain America is....dead?

Mar 10, 2007 10:29




There's a joke in there about American Engineering in there, I know there is.

I remember the good ole bad ole days of Foil, Holograms Card and Alt. Covers you could shake a stick at. Issues of comics I wouldn't have read anyway that had almost nothing to do with the monthly cross over.

I've been out of the scene for about two years since I came to the realization my disposable income needed to go elsewhere to things like the Gas Bill, Electric, Sewer and Tax Bills.

Real life sucks, kids. Don't let anyone tell you different.

And, so do my twenty or so short boxes in the basement collecting dust.

With the exceptions of Powers, Gold Digger, Hellboy, Boneyard, Y The Last Man, Dark Tower, my comic stash is getting smaller and smaller by the year and these year long events, thankfully did not make the cut.

I would rather have real issues instead of year long reboots.

Besides, if comics have taught me anything, he'll be back, they always come back.

It is about the all mighty dollar and print runs, now isn't it?

That is why the little gremlins of the Interweb created Web Comics after all...

comics, comic books

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