Baal the Betta...

Mar 10, 2007 16:36

A new addition to the house hold was bought last night.

I decided to get a fish after seeing cmpriest posts on her Betta, Howard.

I decided to swing into Petco after work last night and since most of the employees were busy either replenishing bowls and such I bought everything except the kitchen sink, I exaggerate a bit.

Petco had most of the other fish in purty tanks but the Bettas were all by themselves in little plastic bowls with covers since the Males were kill each other and the Females were probably nip each other to death to get the hierarchy.

I decided to go with a red and blue Crowntail Betta Male and named him Baal.

So after some cleaning and real estate moving:

At first he seemed to be just sitting and not doing anything but now he seems to be moving around quite a bit.

The filter intake snagged him twice and ever since I put ceremic flower pot under it so it doesn't happen again.

Hopefully the grow your own flowers will grow, from the reviews on line it's hit or miss sometimes.

betta, news

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