My brother says, "oro" all the time...

Feb 27, 2007 11:25

Name: Soren.
Age: 19.
Gender: Female.
Nationality: American...My last name is Bohemian, though, and it drives people crazy. ^.^

Likes: Animals, nature, animanga, twisted/mindf*ckery things, Yuki Kajiura, vampires, DDR, the sound of the violin.
Dislikes: Bigotry, arrogance, gross table manners, unfounded criticism (ie., "I have no idea what's going on but I get off on telling other people they're wrong"--criticism with a cause and logic is different)... Hm, I'm sure there's more, but that's all I've got. ^^;
Dreams: To get published, and to be okay with myself.
Fears: Spiders is all you're getting out of me. ^_^

Strengths: I'm clever and intelligent (with most things). I'm a master at disguising my true feelings and what's really going on inside my head. I put up a good argument, and I also know when to back off. I'm extremely creative and unique. I'm very loyal to those who earn it.
Weaknesses: I'm pretty closed off from other people. I'm good at making casual friends, but I don't let many people close and I can be a little socially inept. I don't trust easily, and while I can consider that a strength, it's generally thought of as a bad thing. It's hard to get me truly angry, but when you do, watch the hell out. I have a strong sense of empathy and it bothers me; things would be better if I didn't have it. I can have a cast-iron will, but if its not really important to me, I'm, as my boyfriend puts it, easily discouraged. I'm a perfectionist and slightly obsessive-compulsive. ._.
Three positive adjectives: Clever, creative, unreadable.
Three negative adjectives: Cynical, withdrawn, twisted.
Personality in a word: ...Difficult. ^.^;
General mood:

Optimist or pessimist? Realist.
Impulsive or cautious? I prefer the word "analytical" over "cautious."
Mature or immature? More mature than I wish I was. ^^;
Extroverted or introverted? Introverted.
Leader or follower? I have some leadership qualities, I guess (since I'm usually put in that position), but I'm more of a follower.
Emotional or collected? Depends on who you ask. ^^; Collected to most, emotional to some.
Patient or impatient? Patient.
Confident or modest? Depends on the subject. I can be very modest, but if it's something I've worked hard to attain and have a passion for, I'm confident on those abilities.
Low, normal or high energy level? Normal, I guess.
Morning person or cranky when awakened? Morning person.

Favourite character and why: Now, that's a hard question. Hm... I love Aoshi, Kaoru, Enishi, Kenshin, Hiko, Saito and a good deal more. But I guess my absolute favorite has to be Soujirou. Let's forgoe my rantings about his storyline and also emphasize that his fighting style and skills are effing amazing. He reminds me a lot of one of my favorite characters from my creations, and, if I won't be accused of character-pushing for saying so, he reminds me a lot of myself, too. I'd have to say Enishi or Kaoru would be the runner-up, but I won't ramble too much.
Least favourite character and why: Eh. Sano. His antics are pretty one-note, and even the way people (ie. Saito) pick on him makes me roll my eyes. He has his good moments, but overall I'd be much more interested in what's going on with the other characters.
Favourite pairing and why: Broken record, but KenshinxKaoru. To me, their relationship is much stronger and more special than most other hero-heroine pairings. They make me cry. ;-; And it really bugs me when yaoi fangirls bash THEM, too, saying Kaoru is "annoying" and "clingy" and "should leave Kenshin-sama with Sano!11!!!11one1!!" I'm sorry--I like yaoi as much as the next fangirl, but het-bashing is just stupid. A wonderful pairing like KenshinxKaoru, which is also very obviously mutual, should be left in peace.
Favourite arc and why: Enishi's. Because Enishi is my lord and master.
Favourite song and why: Does background music count? Because I love the dramatic background pieces much more than any opening or ending.

Anything else? I'm sorry if it sounds bitchy, but please think about your answers and not just give me some random generic that doesn't even match me. I'm just getting kind of tired of votes like that in other communities, and for that it's been a while since I applied to one. Everyone loves getting honest, accurate votes and I do my best to give them Sorry again, and thank you. ^.^

And thank you for not requesting pictures! x.x *has been banished to dial-up*

Click for a voting reference. ...*pokes it*

megumi, stamped

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