Oro? What did you say happens in the military?

Feb 23, 2007 20:35

Name: Brandon... but call me by my nickname: Bwatt
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Nationality: White/Native American

Likes: Reading and Writing - I'm very artistic. I like music, but mainly rock and metal. I like some pop and rap though. I'll bust out singing Nelly Furtado at random moments... I love pretty much anything that has to do with American History and English(meaning the subject). I love languages. German, Spanish, French, Latin... they're all so great. I love video games. I also like to draw.
Dislikes: I don't really like talking on the phone to people, or texting. I don't like 'pride.' Pride = people boasting their believes in your face when you don't give a shit. I have a strong dislike of country music. I don't really like bugs or any animal that isn't well... furry. Cats and Dogs are great... snakes are not. I hate Math and Science. And I also have logical studies... I hate how people have to have solid proof to believe in something. I like believing you don't need to know the answer in something to believe it as true. Also... I have a strong dislike of hentai/yuri/yaoi - its gross. If you believe otherwise, great. But don't say anything to me, I just don't like it.
Dreams: I want to be either a famous writer, or a psychologist. I want to live in SC like i do now. I want a nice family... maybe three kids. I just simply want the American Dream really.
Fears: Oh gah! Heights, the government, bugs, water, fire, the dark, rejection, failure...

Strengths: i'm intellegent. i know it. i know a lot more than people would give me credit for. i may not be the strongest in the world, but i can hold my own, and i could kick someone's ass if i needed too. but, i know how to use words to my advantage and know how to solve fights witout violence.
Weaknesses: gah... i have a huge temper. i have a bad problem with people. i usually don't get along with people that much. i am a likable person, but i have a problem conviceing myself to like a certain people. also, i don't forget past mistakes. i have a bad problem of reflecting and depressing myself.i also get mad at myself and hate myself way too much.
Three positive adjectives: Intellegent, Compassionate, Funny
Three negative adjectives: Hot-Headed, Reflective, Forgetful
Personality in a word: Random
General mood: Usualle extremely content. I rarely have natural highs, or the oppisite. But, I usually am very content with everything around me.

Optimist or pessimist? Gah... well, it really depends on my mood.
Impulsive or cautious? Cautious. Dear God, I will never take a risk, unless I know it is safe...well, then it really isn't a risk is it?
Mature or immature? Mature, but it can change depending on who I am around.
Extroverted or introverted? Extroverted to a point, same for Introverted.
Leader or follower? Leader.
Emotional or collected? Gah... that depends. But, collected for the most part. But, I can get extremely emo sometimes.
Patient or impatient? Patient.
Confident or modest? Confident.
Low, normal or high energy level? High to Normal.
Morning person or cranky when awakened? Morning person is me.

Favourite character and why: Kenshin. Always liked him. He's a great role-model, plus he's flippin awesome. He always knows what to say.
Least favourite character and why: Gah... Kanryu. Remember that guy? Vol.'s 3-4. He was a waste of character. He was a sterotypical bad guy, very boring.
Favourite pairing and why: KenshinxKaoru. It works, its sweet, and it is what makes the story. I mean, if Kenshin was paired with someone else... the story has no point.
Favourite arc and why: Shishio... that is how his name is spelled right?That was just a really great series. I loved it when Kaoru and Yahiko finally got some fight time. That was my favorite part... besides the whole Kenshin battling Aoshi thing. It was about time Kenshin whupped him.
Favourite song and why: the ending theme. doesn't know name. But I like it. Its the ONLY jappenese song I like. ((you do mean song relating to the series right? If not... I don't have one))

Anything else? Not really. And, I'm too lazy to post pictures of myself.

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yahiko, stamped

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