update? where?

Mar 14, 2011 09:59

So that didn't last very long. Here we go again.

In general, I love the change to daylight savings, because standard time can SUCK IT and I want my light in the evening. My daughter, on the other hand? Not a fan. I found this out when I dropped her off at school this morning and she started crying because her best friend wasn't there. It's the first time she's cried this school year, not counting the one early in September when a bunch of other kids were crying for their moms and it set her off.1 I now dread the rest of the week as her body acclimates to the earlier bedtime and earlier waking.

Miles doesn't seem to mind it. He's asleep in his car seat as I write. This is probably the longest he's slept in there without me moving it around in ... well, ever. Kid hates riding in the car. Well, not so much the riding, but he doesn't sleep soundly in there the way every other child I've known can. Avery can still drop off while I'm driving, awakenable for nothing short of a fuel tank explosion. But if you're in for a long drive, Miles isn't going to sleep well, and he's going to let you know it later. I now fully understand how important it is that some kids get their regular naps.

The dogs? They don't care. They stay home all day and nap anyway. Though Angel's coughing again. I wonder if she doesn't just have some kind of infection that hasn't fully gone away. She's got another vet appointment tomorrow, where I get to figure out how to deal with both kids and the dog in the vet office. I now end a third paragraph with this sentence construction.

1. Nothing makes you feel like chopped liver faster than your kid screaming for the other parent.
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