trips to win

Mar 01, 2011 23:20

Today my son is three months old.

Holy crap, how did that happen? There's no way it was that long ago that my family was here for Thanksgiving, forcing Sed to take it easy because she was just about ready to pop. But, yeah, pop she did, and now the boy is fully a quarter of a year.

I'm finding new challenges this time around. Or maybe I'm rediscovering old ones that I'd forgotten. Like: how long is the baby good for in the car seat before he starts screaming and I need to get him out? (Answer: About halfway through whatever errand I thought we could run while he slept.) Or: when is he gonna stop farting and get comfortable? Because this kid has had way more gas since his birth than I remember coming out of Avery in her life. He's already drank nearly an entire bottle of Gripe Water, and I think we had one for his sister that we had to throw out when we moved here.

It's also been tricky finding a rhythm, a schedule that works for us. I don't remember Avery's early days too well1, but I do remember giving her bottles at the same time, taking her on a walk at the same time, and sometimes even having a chance to shower because she fell asleep in the stroller at the same time. Not so Miles yet. Some mornings he sleeps for four hours in his swing; some he's starving before we even get out the door for preschool. But he's starting to figure me out, to realize that even though the nice lady has the lactating breasts, the hairy guy can make food appear too even if it takes a little longer.

He's pretty sweet, though. A lot of nights when he's upset and can't figure sleep out, the only thing that'll do is to snuggle with me in the armchair, pacifier pressed between his lips and my upper arm, until he finally gets there. And then, it's hard to want to put him down. Granted, that's at least a little fear he'll wake up again if I try to move, but the cuddles are pretty great.

1. From what I have been told by my wife and family, there was a lot of screaming and not sleeping, so I may have subconsciously blocked them out.
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