[open, in-progress]

Apr 03, 2008 12:29

Characters:: Marluxia (synstylaexi) and whomever else has nothing to do
Date/Time:: Late Thursday (4/3) morning/early afternoon
Location:: downtown
Rating:: PG…? (better to play it safe XD)
Summary:: Marluxia is very bored at his very inactive shop and decides to close up and take a stroll.

Irritated at the lack of customers he was experiencing, Marluxia decisively took a personal break. He closed the shop up, scowling at in the process. Entirely sick of flowers (he hadn’t though such a thing possible) and their inability to sell, he chose to head downtown instead of the park, where he normally relaxed. This was relaxation of a different kind, shopping. It was something that, like most men, he hadn’t thought fun in the slightest. However, Larxene had taught him the joys of spoiling oneself with material wealth. He hovered in front of a few clothing stores, looking at jackets and pants, and shirts. He did end up buying a jacket; a nice faded black denim one, with a practical cut and a mandarin collar. It was a quick purchase, something he saw in the window and liked the look of. The window display that had attracted him the most was a nearby jewelry store, with simple, yet elegant silver jewelry. He hungrily eyed the chains, rings, and assorted shiny adornments for minutes on end, but hesitated on actually entering store, for fear he’d buy too much jewelry.

szayel, marluxia, open, aerith gainsborough, zexion, axel, kadaj, in progress

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