Characters: Cloud
created_tradegy and Osaki Nana
keepitstedynowDate/Time: March 25, late evening
Location: A bar...somewhere on a place called...the bar
Rating: PG; 15 - dont do what they will do.
Summary: Wh00t lets get pished.
She swirled the liquid round in her glass and sighed, there were certain thoughts rolling though her head that right now she wanted to silence. The best way of bringing about that result was to drink. It was a typically Nana response to any stress what so ever. Stress was not her favourite thing in the world and she was not the best person to deal with it either. Picking the bottle of water up she poured the whiskey in to her glass and looked at it for a moment before wondering exactly what to do with it. She sighed again and let her forehead fall against the wooden bar. “Fuck that hurt.” she mumbled to herself before sitting back up and rubbing her forehead.
All this crap with Kyouya had her scared, not scared as in ‘oh mah gawds ahh am gonna die’ scared but, ‘holy shit I have no idea what to do’ kind. Fear wasn’t a new thing to Nana but never the less it was an emotion that Nana did not like one single but. Nana would rather spend a life time trying to avoid it then overcoming it and reaping the benefits…though saying that there were times she had to face up to it and deal with it. Then she fell apart.
Glancing around her the bar felt dead, quite literally. She was sure everyone in here was trying to drink themselves in to an early grave, and it wouldn’t surprise her that’s exactly what she did most of the time. Nana spotted the blond beside her and double talked and wondered just how much hair gel it took to hold it in place, because that was not fucking natural. Nana couldn’t help but roll her eyes at him and then feel sorry for him, he looked alone…then she remembered that she was here alone as well drinking and feeling sorry for him was like the pot calling the kettle black.
“Here.” Nana snapped picking up the bottle of whiskey and placing it in front of him, “Cheer up you look like death just took a shit in your favourite shoe.”