Characters: Riku (
ebbxandxflow), Kairi (
fleurcles), and Sora (
Date/Time: March 25, late evening
Location: Sora and Kairi's apartment.
Rating: PG
Summary: While Kairi's sitting at home, Sora decides to bring home a well-known visitor.
Kairi sat on her loveseat in the living room, reading a book that a coworker had loaned her for the day. Her cell phone was on vibrate, and her iPod was blasting, as usual. After a long day, she liked to relax, and listen to Sora talk about various things.
But wait...where was Sora? It wasn't like him to be so late. Of course, she had no control over him, but she didn't like it when he came back after nightfall. Regardless of him having "guys night out," this was inexcusable. The moon was up in the sky, shining brighter than usual. Darn Sora! He'd get it whenever he got back.