Mar 03, 2007 19:38
Went to the second event for the renewed Canton of Aquitaine today, bringing Darren and Leslie out with me.
I'm even less enthusiastic about the site than I was before. There are just way too many druggies and homeless hanging around. I put my cup on in my car rather than in the thing they suppose as a bathroom.
Only ren again, but we had more people this time, so Sir Cagar set up a round-robin. I tied with Darren for second, Jorrath won, although I was... less than happy with Sir Cromar's marshalling. Jorrath seems to have a nasty habit of not taking blows that he really should have. I'm the only one who got a point on him, and he tried to say I was flat. Not that I begrudge him his win, because he did fight well, but I just think we should have had a better marshall on that side.
Afterwards we all went over to Cagar and Aoife's place afterwards, and I'm still here now, so that's my story.