(no subject)

Feb 06, 2006 15:32

So, as of yesterday at around 1:30 in the afternoon (mountain standard time) I am 22. I had a good day. We went and met my parents and both sets of grandparents at a pool/hot springs in New Meadows called Zims. I got some chocolate covered espresso beans (yay!) and some money, among other things. The best physical gift of the day was the The Chronicles of Narnia (in a single volume edition) from my grandparents. But I was just happy that we could go and have fun and relax. It was nice, especially to be able to spend time with my parents, I don't see or talk to them nearly as often as I should. When we got back we went back to Kate's and watched a movie and ate pizza. It was a good day.

Anyway, now I am tired...because swimming always makes me tired. I sink, and so I have to work harder at it. I mean this literally, if I don't force myself to stay at the top of the pool I sink straight to the bottom...pretty much rock-like. If I die in water, you will most likely never find my body...which is a slightly disturbing thought...*shrugs*

Anyway, I have new music...Lucia Micarelli, a violinist, which I happen to be listening to right now, and she is absolutely fantastic. And also Garbage...which is kinda angry music, and it makes me happy...that is very oxymoronic, but that's ok.

music, special event, friends, family

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