*tries to think of a subject...can't...shrugs*

Jan 26, 2006 17:13

So...I feel the need to post, but I really don't have any thing to say. Anthony fixed my computer. I need more RAM, but other than that, everything is great. *mumbles under breath about the evilness of the sims wanting more ram* I am happily addicted to the sims, even though it does periodically shut down. I have a large number of neighborhoods...so many that I probably don't know what to do with them all. I have a neighborhood of people that I know. Originally it was just going to be friend-type people but then I got the Complete Collection of The Sims *angelic chorus sings "aaaahhh" which mysteriously sounds reminiscent of the beginning of the theme song from the simpsons* And when I got that it gave me much larger neighborhoods than I had before, so I am doing my family...like my extended family. It is going to be kind of scary...but yeah...I am actually in the game twice...because I did me, right now, and then when I did my mom and dad, I decided that I would do me and my brother as kids. It amuses me, because I was talking to myself. *rolls eyes at the insane amount of dorkiness that is rob* So far I have just done my mom's side of the family, and not all of them even have houses yet, they are just families in stasis...I am trying to decide whether I want to put Aaron Edwards and (his cousin) Jen in the same house/family or not. I started out with them in the same family because I would have run out of lots, but now...I am not...so yeah...but I don't know if I want either of them to live alone...*sighs* And the animals *tries to rip hair out* The stupid cats and dogs that run around the freaking neighborhood peeing and pooping all over the place...gah! I was trying to train a cat and a dog, but all the other cats and dogs that I couldn't do anything to were confusing me...and eating their food...*sighs* Anyway...I am addicted...and really that was a whole lot of pointless babble, because none of you really care...

nabbed from issahime

9 lasts...
last cigarette: never
last beverage: water
last kiss: never been kissed...except for family kisses, but those don't count
last movie seen: Bewitched, which was both better and worse that I had expected
last phone call: my grandma, actually, she was trying to make sure the answering machine worked, and I didn't know, so when I saw that it was her on the line, I answered
last cd played: Fallen by Evanescence
last bubble bath: um...a long long time ago...
last time you cried: I can't remember...I think that I almost cried not too long ago, but I can't reall remember
last relationship: Freshman year of high school (I am currently in my fourth year of college)

8 have you evers...
have you ever dated one of your best friends: Yes...it wasn't great...we made better friends
have you ever skinny dipped: No
have you ever kissed somebody and regretted it: No...see above...
have you ever fallen in love: No...sadly
have you ever lost someone you loved: Yes
have you ever been depressed: Yes...very much so
have you ever been drunk and threw up: I have barely drank any alcohol, let alone enough to get drunk
ever ran away: No. I never had anywhere to run to. I much preferred my bedroom

7 states you've been to...
1. Idaho
2. Oregon
3. Nevada
4. California
5. Washington
6. Colorado
7. Wyoming

6 things you've done today...
1. Ate a pizza
2. Checked LJ
3. Showered
4. Read some fan fiction
5. Went to my storage unit, but didn't find what I was looking for
6. Played Sims

5 favorite things in no order...
1. Friends
2. Clothes
3. Internet
4. Video/Computer Games
5. my mom

4 people you can tell anything to...
1. Kate
2. ...
3. ...
4. ...this is sad...

3 wishes...
1. I could finish and publish a book...and have it be a hit...if not a bestseller
2. Go back to school without going into debt up to...I was going to say eyeballs, but then I realized where I go to school and have decided to change it to drowning in debt
3. Fall in love...

2 things you want to do before you die...
1. Make a difference in the world at large
2. Get a Masters in Creative Writing

1 thing you regret...
1. Taking "a semester" off of school. It has turned into a year...and a half...

meme, the sims, games, computer

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