Happy Chinese New Year!! )almost(

Feb 01, 2008 21:32

So, many of you may know this already, but I probably would have figured it out if I had thought about it, but beginning February 7 (two days after my birthday) it will be the year of the rat! Which up until right now I always assumed I was. But thinking about it, if the year of the rat begins after my birthday, does that mean it began after my birthday in 1984 as well? I am going to have to go look this up, because if I am not the rat I want to know what I am...

*dives into google*

I found it! click me!

I am a rat. But Kate! You aren't! You are a boar! \o/

I don't know what that means, but you are chinese year older than us...lol...

Other peoples born in January may have been mislead by the little chinese zodiac papers that they use as placemats in chinese restaurants, because I have never seen one that said "Feb-Feb of...you are..." , it always just said "if you are born in this year you are..."

That brings me to the question of they determine when the New Year begins? Is it a lunar thing, or a sun thing? Or what?
*is confused, and not completely convinced he wants to look it up*

I don't have anything else to say, so I shall leave you for tonight.

holiday, random

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