Blood Ties

Jan 29, 2008 02:46

So, I downloaded and am watching the show Blood Ties, and it is really good. I had seen it mentioned around, and really wanted to know what it was about, and I like it a lot. Think of it as a slightly more grown-up version of Buffy, without the power of the Slayer, then throw in that one show about the Medical Examiner who always solves the case that I can't remember the name of. It is lots of fun, but while I am only in three episodes, I don't see anything even resembling Mike/Henry. Maybe it will happen somewhere along the lines, but it seems that everyone interested in the show ships them...I don't know.

Other back hurts really bad. The pain has moved away from my sides and down into my lower back. I don't know what is wrong with me...I called in today because it hurt so much. I am hoping that a three day weekend of trying to relax it will help. Also a new chair wouldn't hurt. Maybe I will use some tax return money on a nice desk chair designed for people who sit at the computer for hours at a time, as I do on a regurlar basis. It is a good idea from a writing standpoint. If I become uncomfortable it then it is less likely that I am going to be able to focus on writing.

television, fan fiction, body

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