So, England is pretty much burning, which is insane. Even more insane? 2011 being what 2011 has been, four days of rioting in the UK? Barely a blip on American news stations. (At least mine in North Carolina, don't know about elsewhere. I do know I checked the NY Times front page yesterday and it wasn't on there.)
Sorry I've been MIA lately. I've been fandom blah for ages and have spent the past two weeks writing out my TPXchange fic. Which really got away from me. And working odd hours, so I've just not been very social on the internet.
In other news:
Frank Turner's new video is out
Click to view
Thanks to Aspen, I am now addicted to
Teahouse. Thank you, so much, Aspen. ;)
Matt had a bad day so we went and watched Bridesmaids again. Movie was just as good second time around.
Carrie is doing well. She goes to the doctor tomorrow. We're all prepared for them to tell us they want to change her trach size. Because that's how things go in my family.