Jun 15, 2011 20:48
I watched Hereafter, was quite bored. Which is sad, since it was directed by Clint Eastwood and contained Matt Damon, two things I normally love, but yeah, no. Bored.
I am finally making some decent progress in terms of story-flow on the Prince Penk/PI Skip. I am trying to force myself to stay below an insane wordcount. Really, I am trying to keep it under 3k, since it's based off a ficlet request from ye longe eons ago. I don't think it's going to stay below that word count, but it's nice to have a goal. Do expect me to beg some of you for beta help with the rough draft sometime in the very near future.
I end work early on Friday (well, 4:45pm, still, I count that as early) and have Saturday off, so I plan on devoting that time to Pacific Exchange fic writing. I figured I'll just write all 3 of the prompts, since I really, really, can't decide which one will work best for me. I'll judge which one to submit based off the end product. Once that's out of the way, it's WBB focus time.
It's our, I'm going to say, 8th day of evening thunderstorms. So typcial. Gotta love Summer in the South. Though, seeing the firefiles buzzing about will never fail to make me smile. That's one thing that always makes me feel like a kid.
One of my customer's today almost made me burst into tears. She's an elderly lady, and when she opened her mouth and started talking, she sounded just like my Grandmother. I don't know if the customer is from Hell's Kitchen, but she's def. from either NYC or NJ. I just, I know I never really got the chance to properly mourn what with the Carrie Crisis Pt II, and I am well aware it's going to be at least another year before the power of the grief really hits. But god, I was getting chills down my spine listening to her talk. Or rather, "towualk" as my Grandmother always said it.
In the music/I have no shame portion of this post:
I am sort of in love with Matt Beilis' acoustic cover of Britney Spears Hold It Against Me. It really is amazing how a strong piano performance will make me love a song. I blame the childhood raised on Billy Joel, Elton John, and my first childhood idol of Debbie Gibson.
real life,