I am planning, as in already bought my pass and am about to buy my train tickets, to
AZ 2011. I will get to see Aspen and Holley again, I'll be back in Raleigh, which is good since I've pretty much decided to move back there at the early part of next year, and I get to take the train! (Look, I'm the daughter and grandchild of train engineers. The
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Comments 10
And I'm starting to feel the pollen too. Had a sneezing attack this morning, my lower molars are starting to hurt, and I have this hive/eczema like spot on my neck. Yippee.
I think that storm last night just turned out a whole bunch of crap. But yesterday I had a horrible headache and today it's been very much all about the dry eyes and scratchy throat. Friggin' spring.
Can't wait to see you at AZ! Also, I too enjoy the train. I find taking the train to be a nice, peaceful experience. ^_^
AZ shall be awesome. And yes, the train is such a nice, peaceful experience. I really do miss taking the train, and I know it sounds insane to some people that I want to take it, but it really is a nice ride.
The train really is a pleasant ride. you get to look out at the scenery, walk around, take liquids with you, etc. I enjoy riding the train so much more than flying. I find it rather relaxing. :)
I can't stand hot weather, but I love the Fall.
I always end up taking naps on the amtrak trains. It's such a smooth ride, comfortable seats, you never feel too packed. You have a sort of freedom. I love seeing the little parts of cities and towns you don't get to see while in a car or flying.
Uuughhh, I was supposed to go to Megacon this year but :( *sigh* And Stan the Man and Jonathan Frakes was supposed to be there. Oh brokeness ~_~
I feel you on the brokeness. I just had to make a commitment to AZ now so I would force myself to save up. The bage and the train tickets are going on the dreaded credit cards. I am hoping that my incentive profit-sharing check from work comes in before Con Time. Luckily, not being into many (read near on none) anime/manga series right now means I am unlikely to drop a ton of money in the Dealer's Room.
You know... this is going to sound bitchy, but... I don't "request" time off. I give my job the courtesy of informing them that I won't be there on certain days. So, tell them to stuff it if they give you trouble. ;)
Well, I work at a 24-hrs-always-busy grocery store, so the managers don't like anyone taking off around Holidays. It's not even allowed during Thanksgiving and/or Christmas, but I think 2 months worth of notice will make it okay.
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