How much do I love Robert Wagner as Tony's dad? A whole hell of a lot. And I maybe, might have, sort of teared-up when Gibbs got in Senior's face about the "SWAK" incident b/c that episode makes me cry every single time (esp since I know "Twilight" follows) and I so love Gibbs-Tony's-Obvious-Father-Figure-Complex vs Senior-The-Reason-For-The-Obvious-Father-Figure-Complex.
Overall I found the episode kind of "eh" and the focus of the show was so obviously more on Tony and his dad than the actual case. Also there was the whole comparison of what won't we do to make our fathers happy blah blah blah blah.
Also, sad lack of Ducky and Jimmy.
Still, the character moments drove this episode home and I sort of love that Tony and Gibbs have had so many of their little steak dinners together that they have a whole set routine. It's always been one of the biggest complaints about the CSI shows, the lack of character moment and connections, and when we do get them it's from some high drama or romance-for-ratings bit. But therein lies the difference of NCIS and what I've always loved about it; yes, it is a cop show. It's also a prime time drama with tons of humor but at the end of the day it's about the people who work the cases, not the cases themselves, and it's about the agents/whole crew as people outside of work and between each other, as characters with depth and history.
Almost finished with Caroline Murphy's Murder of a Medici Princess though now I want to go sift through books on 16th-Century Florence and its Cultural history. I miss having access to university libraries whenever I want.