Thank you, the people behind My Chemical Romance's site, who put the Making of Famous Last Words up on the
Videos page. I've never been able to watch the whole thing in one clip with good quality video. I also believe that's the most we've ever seen Bob talk on a video. Also, at the end, when Ray says things like "We've broken fingers" etc. on the video, Frank pipes up with "We Broke Bob!" And why have I never seen made mention the fact that besides "Famous Last Words" being the video which set Bob on FIRE was also the making-of where he shredded his hands bloody from playing for so long? This I did not know. Lastly, I think Sam Bayer has smoked a lot of pot in his life and is living it on a prepetual high. He reminds me of a surfer dude, or something, but he's made great videos, so hey, to each their own.
Also, thank you, Jeff Watson, for giving us pictures of the boys not looking like some freaky sci-fi constructs. (Seriously, AP, WTF?). I kind of adore the fact that the Ray and Gerard pic was taken by Frank, even though I would have liked an in-focus pic of Ray, it's Toro is his natural element, so all is well.
Lastly, thank you Brian Schechter for still being awesome, even though you are no longer MCR's manager, and posting vids of you basejumping and showing us the progress of your beard growing. Also, you will never not be awesome for having your nose pierced, twice. In fact, let's share that picture with the
Brian Schechter, ladies and gents, over 30, already had a succesful career in the music business, kicked the drug addictions, and is now training to be a stuntman. May he never change.
Writing, writing, writing over here. That "short" intro story to my whole huge megafic of Doom thing is now over 10,000 words and counting. It's so close to done though, I can taste it. Now I just hope some people, along with Holley, will be willing to beta the thing. The Dresden Files primer is also coming along quite well. I'm re-reading some of the books to pull out quotes/sources etc.
In other news: Got my mom her damn Yankee Doodles for when I go to Nashville. She's also getting some when I fly down to CLT for Christmas. It's the holidays, she can splurge. Today I've been to two grocery stores (trying to avoid shopping next week and the week after and of course my normal store does not have veggine nuggets or Yankee Doodles), cleaned out the fridge, and started making cookies for the fiends at work. Again.
Turkey Day next week. I plan to spend it in my pjs, watching the parade, and then making a mini-fake-turkey dinner with stuffing from a box and rolls from a can and a pre-made pecan pie. We're grad students and recently graduated grad students. We have tiny kitchens and little money, so we make do with food that comes out of a box. Go us!