Sep 18, 2009 23:31
1. Helped co-worker who has headcold. I now have something forming in the back of my throat. This cannot be good.
2. Decided to take another bus home instead of my normal get off bus a, get on train thing I've got down as part of my daily commute.
3. Did not look at the whole bus number. (In my defense, 4 buses go near my part of town. 213, 214, 215 and 217. I happened to get on 218, which has the same ultimate destination but whole other different route from 217, the closest bus route to where I live.)
4. Ended up getting off bus, once I realized it was going in the complete other direction I wanted, having to walk a mile back to the train station where, oh yes, I had to wait for the train. At least I know how to get to Burger King now if I am dying for crappy fried food. And where the PetCo is, good thing to know, since I am not even allowed to have fish.
5. Did not get home until an hour after my normal time and also after sunset.
6. Therefore did not get to go grocery shopping which means when I wake-up tomorrow with either a) a headcold b) my period or c) both I will be supremely screwed.
In whole other news:
So, this Sci-Fi Con is coming to Boston in Nov. or Oct. or something. Among the guests are Gareth David-Llyod and some guy you might have heard of, named Leonard Nimoy. I know most people are like "OMG, you must go!" but I'm all, "Okay, I don't watch Star Trek at all, never have, never will, and the only place I really know him from is Ancient Mysteries and if I go to a Sci-Fi con with an Ancient Mysteries DVD case for Leonard Nimoy to sign, I am pretty certain I will get beaten to death by all the Sci-Fi Fen there."
Also, I refuse to pay $20 for the chance of maybe getting someone's John Hancock, on top of, like the $60 entrance fee when I can go see The Gaslight Anthem at HOB in October for $20 or see the Harry Potter Exhibit at the Museum of Science for, like, $25. Or vist Salem by train for $7. In the budget/cost-anaylsis thingy, it just does not work out in favor of the Sci-Fi con. And really, I've done two anime cons this year, one of which occurred at the same time/place as a Harry Potter con and the other which involved a tail-wearing Mr. T lookalike and a con center full of teens being the prime examples of bad taste. I think I am all conned out this year. Though, next year, since I will probably be in CLT by the end of July, I am maybe, sort of, kind of, setting my eyes on DragonCon if I can get some other people to go with me. ::bats lashes:: Just think about it, 'k.
Now, after a week of illness, delays, my computer hating me, my body hating me and SPN being awesome, I am going to attempt to get this bit of fic finished before this time tomorrow.
real life,
i just lost my rights to a geek card,
new england,
shannon is a whiny brat,
con time