TW CoE 3.4 and 3.5

Jul 10, 2009 06:42

I've been horribly spoiled by just about everyone for what happens in episode four, so all I can say is: I hope there is some cheesey wayback machine that makes it all okay but if there's not, well, honestly, I'm not all that surprised. Not after Exit Wounds (where two leads and half of Cardiff died). It's Sci-Fi and it's Torchwood, so it's not one of those "It didn't have to be this way!" bits, but it still seems really unfuckingfair. Not as unfair as say, what Rose got vs. what Donna got, but still pretty unfuckingfair.

At least it was a good death, with a good death scene and there were no space tumors involved. No, I'm not still bitter over SGA Carson's death by Exploding Space Tumors. Why would you ask?

Now, back on with your mornings.


So, it didn't git fixed. Ianto is still dead and he's staying dead unless there is a handwavy thing in season four, which would probably piss me off more than the original killing off b/c way to insult your fans, much? That being said, I don't think I can do much with TW after this, not because there will be no more Ianto, I mean, come on the boy survived Canary Warf, a crazy Cyberwoman girlfriend, cannibals, a possible future as a zomibe which was changed at the last mintue and made Owen instead, and Exit Wounds. His number, by the sheer amount of years he was in TW, would have been up soon anyway. If anything, I do have to give credit to the writers for keeping true to that aspect of the idea of Torchwood. Still, when three leads are killed off in the space of 5 episodes (Tosh and Owen in Exit Wounds, Ianto is CoE 3.4) I just don't think I can take getting attatched to any other characters only to see them die. The one comforting thing about Ianto's end was that it was a good death scene, and Jack got to say goodbye, and with him we got to say goodbye. Ianto didn't go to death alone, like Tosh pretty much did and Owen did do, and he got the promise that he would be remembered which, for a character who spent so much of his time trying to blend in and be forgotten is almost a heartbreaking death bedside confesssion and wish.

Seriously, the BBC shows are killing me lately. All my favs get knocked off of Robin Hood, now all my favs are off Torchwood, and Donna's been long out the door on DW. ::Gasp:: I might have to go back to American tv. I mean, hell, outside of the first episode, it took CSI 9 years to kill off one of their leads.

torchwood, tv, dw, doctor who, tosh, ianto jones

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