Nov 13, 2008 22:17

Right, so, the past few years I've gone back and forth between what I watched on thursdays at 9:00pm. For years it was CSI and CSI alone. Then I discovered Supernatural. Then Grey's Anatomy moved to thursdays. Fast forward a few years: CSI is slowly going down-hill and has caused a lack of interest. I refuse to believe Grey's Anatomy lasted more than two seasons. SPN is left standing for me. I didn't watch last season b/c I was still clinging to CSI, but after watching the dvds for season three and then having a marathon weekend of watching all the episodes up to last week, my SPN love is firm and sound. Largely due to Castiel.

Anyway, on to the actual episode:

While this was a good episode, I was kind of disappointed. I was expecting more Castiel and Uriel, but I guess that is next week. I know, I know, it's Sam and Dean's show, but I can't help but get attatched to the minor characters, like I always do.

Something is not right about Anna. I call demon. Or Temptation. Or for those out there who have read Good Omens, WAR. Something about her does not sit right with me. Maybe it's the dye job. I do like the actress though, she did a good job and all, but something has my eyebrow raised.

I still don't like the new Ruby, though she is getting better sort of. It just sucks that the secretary Ruby acted better in her 3 mins than the new Ruby has done all season. Loved the maid Ruby though. If only Ruby was always like that. I was kind of hoping that was another angel, but alas.

This was mostly a flashback episode and I think that's what irked me. I was expecting something new, and tech. this was new, and filled in gaps I am sure people have, but honestly, I'm a tad tired of the Sam Show. We've had the Sam Show for many a season. While, granted, most of this season has been the Dean Show, well, Dean was pulled out of hell.

Next week looks interesting. You just know Uriel wants to slam Dean's head into the wall.

Now for my theory:

I think Dean has the potential to become something great. See, I have this really odd personal belief in regards to angels in general. I think there are different levels and that those angels who "walk among us" all the time, are in fact humans who had potential to be something more. Maybe I'm pulling a bit too much from Buddhism or Hinduism, but that's what I think. I think Dean has that potential; we know he has a fighting spirit and he is willing to, and has, given up everything for his family. Yeah, that lack of belief thing is a tad tricky, but who hasn't had issues with their boss?

I also love the fact that Uriel and Castiel are not fluffy-cloud angels. They are some OT MoFos, and I love it. Though, they kind of remind me of some old jaded Reapers from a world like "Dead Like Me."

The week is almost over and I am wondering where all the time has gone.

Oh, and my mother has joined Facebook. The world is now coming to an end.

I also gave into many people's battering and watched the first disc of The Tudors. That was painful and I do not think I can make it through the rest. I will, however, give them points for the costumes, the show that despite most of his actions Henry VIII did have a brain (which he didn't always use), and the way the actor has protrayed Thomas More. Other than that, you have got to be friggin kidding me. Everyone knows Henry Fitzroy lived past infancy. That's just one of my little nitpicks. I will watch the rest of the season b/c it's short, but ugh. Not happy at all so far.

spn, tv, castiel, the tudors

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