Jul 23, 2008 20:34
Okay, so who wants postcards? I will be in London and Dublin, so you can pick either one, or both. Also, if you want a postcard from Boston, that too can be done. Granted, some postcards might be from London but sent out from Quincy, Mass, but that's only if I run into an issue with time.
So, addresses can be e-mailed to misli22 (at) aol.com. Also, you can post in the comments since I will be screening those, leaving the ones with addresses screened once I've replied. Really, don't hesitate to ask. I love sending postcards out. It's why I belong to postcrossing.
In other news: Put in the order for my international cell phone rental from Verizon. Honestly, the cost itself isn't too bad, but the shipping is murder. $21, with two weeks notice, I mean, come on, seriously? It's being shipped to my work, since I have to sign for it, so hopefully everything will be okay.
A week and a half to go. EEEEEK.
I've decided I'm going to do one more currency exchange at the bank, only because I really don't want to use my cards overseas. Dublin will be one thing, since I have so few Euros, but I'd much rather pay cash for as many things as possible in London.
In books news: After trying, and failing, to start reading for my upcoming semester, I decided to pick up The Bone Doll's Twin again. I stopped, not b/c I didn't enjoy it, but b/c I got distracted by shiny Torchwood books, and then Shadows Return and then decided to re-read The Nightrunner Series and yeah. But, am about to finish the book, again only allowing myself to read it to and from work, so I figure I'll take Hidden Warrior with me on the plane. I would take The Oracle's Queen as well, but I know me, and I know my book love, and I know I will be buying books overseas, so, yeah...
(Note to self, see if Trinity College bookstore has books on Peace People.)
Anyway, favorite line from The Bone Doll's Twin so far:
He trimmed a goose quill and held it up for Tobin to see. "This is a weapon, my son, and some know how to wield it as skillfully as a sword or dagger."
-Lynn Flewelling, The Bone Doll's Twin pp. 80.
..in case it's not clear, the quill is a writing quill.
....and is it just the slash goggles or did anyone else get a Rhius/Tharin vibe? Or maybe it's just me, since I am building up a Tharin love.
and on that note..teeny tiny drabbles of writing going up tonight on writing lj.
real life,
lynn flewelling,