So, I checked my mail today. Joy over the three new netflix, sadness over the lack of a refund check, and puzzled over the mail from chase bank that was clearly not a new credit card.
It was, in fact, a letter confirming the change of my pin number on the credit card that was stolen. Which means, the fuckers who took my card def. tried to use it to get cash out of it. Thankfully, the account is closed so nothing can be done now. This mean that the card itself was def. stolen. You need the whole number and the security code in order to change the pin, or so the helpful people on the Chase helpline said.
My landlord was of little help. He's sympathetic to my situation but finds it hard to believe that one of his people went through my things and took my cards. They've "never had a problem like this before." I'm just thinking, "Well, when some people get their statements for this month, I'm sure you're going to be getting more calls." I know it's not total identity theft, b/c my checking and savings are untouched, and the problems are on just the two missing/stolen cards.
I think I really do have to file a police report now. ::sigh:: I don't even know where the closest police station is, I mean, I know where one is, but it's a pain in the ass to get there.
In other news: Grandpa J came out of the sugery. There were some issues following it and he had to be kept sedated, but last I heard he was doing better. I hope to talk to them this weekend.
Mom really wants me to fly down in October. The fall break occurs around the time of my father's day, and it hits 18 years this time around, so she really wants me there. I also want to be there for her, so I'm already looking into planning that trip. I really hope the gas prices fall by then.
this is awesome for many reasons. But for me, it mentions one of my old profs, Dr. Parker, who headed the Roman Aquaba Project in Jordan and is still pissed at me for not going further into classics. Good to see such a great and understanding prof getting a mention in the news. Seriously, I adore that man. The quote they use from him is SUCH a thing he would say in class. I never recieved more insight on source bias and evidence without context than I did in his classes. Of course, I'm still squeeing over seeing Dr. Fitzpatrick, my prehistory prof at NC State, on that episode of Ancient Detectives or Bone Dectectives or whatever the hell it was on the Discovery Channel. I saw it in March.