People Really Suck

Jun 07, 2008 22:44

aka how not to start a weekend:

So, hey, count me as one of the many to suffer stolen credit card/identity theft.

So, on wed, my A/C unit was installed.

On Thursday and Friday, many charges were made using my capital one and chase credit cards at a local Stop and Shop not a mile from my apartment.

Today, Chase contacted me to let me know, since I never use the card for everything.

The two credit cards, ones I took out of my wallet and left somewhere in my apartment, are no where to be found.

Now, logic states that someone stole them out of my apartment, and I am having a real hard time not agreeing with logic. Especially since my Capital One bills are mailed to North Carolina.

So, yeah, went to check my Capital One account and not only did they charge it there, they went over my limit. Did Capital One contact me? No. But that's okay, since I contacted them.

So, both cards are closed out. I am severely pissed off. And my landlord will soon be getting a somewhat scathing letter. It pisses me off even more that they had the audacity to used the cards not very far from where I live....and I NEVER go to the Stop and Shop.

Said store has also been contacted, b/c I was just all pissed and went and called as many people as I could.

Oh, and my Grandpa J is having open heart surgery on Monday. Joy. Aunt just told my mom, who wasn't going to tell me until after it happened, but my mom is one of those, "She already is pissed, so I'll just slip this in too" type of things. I am praying he'll be fine. The man has survived two bouts with cancer (skin and prostate) and lord knows his wife has survived her fair share too.


Trying to find the good in life though:

Went and got some currency exchanged. Will do some more in two weeks. Hotter than hell here and I am sunburnt from my time walking around. Oh, and I finally got those pics I've always wanted of the entryways to one of the many graveyards in Quincy.

I think, to deal with my anger, I will bring out the PS2, pop in a video game, and kill some fantasy creatures.

Next week will be better, it will...IT WILL, DAMN IT!

EDIT: I just had to share this: It's Monty Python-like Justice

real life, news

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