Kind of cool to see things from the Wraith perspective.
Oooh, ZPMS. Rodney is going to be so jealous of his wraith friend.
Three whole ZPMS, that's a goldmine.
Look at Teyla, all pregnant and working out and fiesty.
"I'm pregnant Ronon not ill." Love you, Teyla, love you so much.
Hi Radek! Love to see you, just not an SGA episode without you.
Team locker-room scene. Interesting.
And John getting an tongue-lashing.
Ronon pulling Rodney away, classic. Love it. Want icon.
"It's been a little busy around here." John, so defensive and scared, and protective big brother who wants to avoid the talk about female things with his sister.
John, pregnant women can kick ass. Teyla will kick yours, and even
though you suck at expressing your caring emotions in better words and ways,
and even though Teyla still loves you, as do we, you need a Gibbs-style
slap upside the head.
Also, Hi Lorne! Love you too!
Todd. John Sheppard, you are no longer allowed to name Wraith.
"Even in my condition." Teyla, love you so much. And yes, John you were wrong.
Granted, Teyla was also. Still, you do not yell at pregnant women, even if you
are the commander.
"What'd you do?"
"You touched something, didn't you?
"No. Maybe just a little."
And then Ronon's look when Rodney calls him Captain Obvious. So, want and need
an icon of that.
I love how Teyla talks to John when he is a captive audience in a jumper.
He must listen.
"We figured it out." Oh, Ronon.
Hee. I have this perfect image of 10-year-old Rodney running around a garden trying to
flee a bee.
Wraith babies. Ewww. Wow, that's a whole ton of wraith babies.
Wraith Queens are some straight-up bitches. Scary Diva Bitches.
Oh, Lorne. ::pinches cheeks:: Uncle Lorne, so cute. He will be such an uncle
to Teyla's babies. Correcting all the stuff Sheppard teaches the kid. Like, "Yes you can ride a skateboard but you must also wear a hemlet so your mom does not kill Uncle John with her sticks."
I do like our Wraith Friend, he's a smart-ass.
Ancients. They were kind of stupid and bad at decision making, weren't they?
And fighting wars. And disposing of dangerous experimental equipment.
Oh, look, it's the "Oh shit" moment of the show.
They all go after Sheppard first. Wraith Queen, Ascended Women, Peagsus Women, Koyla. Sheppard is always the first.
"Have you seen our people." Hey, Lorne, that's Teyla's line.
"I've had a lot of practice." Oh, yes, John you have.
"Oh great, my entire life I've never been chosen first and now fate decides to restore
the balance." Oh, Rodney. ::squishes::
You know, I really like this Wraith Queen's outfit and hair decorations. Very cool.
It actually makes sense Teyla's power increases since she is with child, considering the
Wraith Queens and their power.
Lorne is so calm and sweet. ::huggles::
.....did Todd go down with the ship? Oh, didn't. Yay!
"He." John's so excited it's a boy. Also, I do love how Teyla forces hugs on John.
But it also brings up an interesting point about Teyla. She does have more concerns now than ever before. She is also still a leader of her people, whether or not they are missing. And she is still a warrior, with those instincts warring against that of carrying a child. It will be interesting to see if the writers do this more justice, the situation Teyla is in.
Still, BEST SEASON OF SGA EVER! I cannot wait until it comes out on dvd. Like, I am pining for it as we speak. It really is amazing to see how much the show has improved in quality, story-telling, writing. It's like, 8 times out of 10, the writer's and producers get it now. They finally know and understand who these characters are, what their purposes are, and that they are more than just archetypes. Ronon is more than the brawn, Sheppard more than a military man, Teyla more than a leader and a warrior queen, Rodney more than a brain (ok, cue the Breakfast Club music). Still, this has been the best season of SGA ever, with a good balance of drama and humor with tons of action and screen-time for our favorite secondary characters. Yes, there are moments where I miss Elizabeth, Carson, and Ford, much like how I watch NCIS and miss Kate, but you know, this is a new Atlantis. On a new planet, with a new leader, fighitng a different enemy with new allies. And still, it is all kinds of awesome.
As for next week: Based on pictures I've seen I am eagerly awaiting Sheppard's tv-nice version of John McClane's "Yipee-kay-yay, Motherfucker."
Still have to do thesis work. But I feel like crud since mother nature has stopped by, and is hitting me with a whammy since she skipped over me last month. ::grabs chocolate:: I am settling into bed and not leaving unless I have to. Also, my grocery store does not have pita bread and this annoys me. But at least I avoided the pants-less people on the T today. Supposed to be a whole movement of them riding the Red Line, which is my line, but did not see any during my journey.
Happy Birthday, to
While I know it won't be much of a day, I still hope it is a nice and calm one and something comes along to make you laugh. Or write. Or bring the one small but perfect moment of joy.