They're calling for snow again. It's certainly windy enough.
Smells like it will snow as well.
Yes, I did say smell.
Dimi sent me a very interesting article in response to my last lj post. I think this right here shows what "True Marriage" is. I'm just delighted the couple was actually able to wed:
"The first of 90 couples to be married on Thursday was Phyllis Lyon, 80, and Del Martin, 83, who have been together 51 years and founded the nation's first lesbian organization, the Daughters of Bilitis, in 1955.
Former President Clinton appointed both to be delegates to the White House Conference on Aging in 1995.
"We have a right just like anyone else to get married to the person we want to get married to," Lyon said."
The rest of the article is here: along with a cute article someone sent me yesterday: Not feeling that well today, actually. Will just have to curl up with a blanket and watch some YnM while squealing about 003. I go insane whenever that owl appears. I need help, I know.
Should REALLY start studying for my Bio test. That is on the top of my agenda for things to do tonight. If we do have a snow day I must promise myself I will be devoted to reading the few chapters I have neglected.
Hope everyone has a nice week!